School: Coolfancy, Tinahely
- Location:
- Coolafancy, Co. Wicklow
- Teacher: Dll. Ó Conaill

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0922, Page 025
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Coolfancy, Tinahely
- XML Page 025
- XML “Proverbs”
- XML “Proverbs”
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On this page
- ProverbsDon't lose a sheep for a ha'penny worth of tar.
A fox never sent a better messenger than himself.
You'll never miss the water till the well goes dry.
A wise man never found a dead man.
Keep a thing for seven years and you'll fnd a use for it.
Vessels large may venture more. But little boats should keep near shore.
Those who have it can spend it.- Collector
- Kevin Rawson
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Coolafancy, Co. Wicklow
- Slow fires make sweet malt.
After breakfast work a while.
After dinner rest a while.
After supper walk a mile.
Do not go to the goat house to look for wool.
Beauty never made the pot boil.
Half an hour too soon is better than half a minute late.
Children and chickens are always picking.
See a pin and pass it by, you will want it before you die.
Credit refuse if you have money to pay.(continues on next page)