School: Coolfancy, Tinahely

Coolafancy, Co. Wicklow
Dll. Ó Conaill
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0922, Page 001

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0922, Page 001

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Coolfancy, Tinahely
  2. XML Page 001
  3. XML “Snow-Storm”

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On this page

  1. Snow Storm
    On the 1st of February 1846 a heavy snow storm fell. It was on a fair day. The morning showed signs of storm but none expected it to be of such a severe kind.
    Early in the day men set out for the fair. Shortly after they reached the town snow commenced to fall and a strong wind commenced to blow. This soon made drifts under which many animals were covered.
    The day passed on and towards evening a man set out for home along the snow bound road. He reached home but being so exhausted he was not able to knock loud enough on the door of his house to awaken his friends inside.
    From cold and hunger he became numb and was found in an exhausted condition by his friends the following morning. He did live long after this.
    Another person had a horse at the fair and of course had to ensure the same hardships. He reached his home and the snow being so deep around the houses he found it impossible to find.
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. processes and phenomena
      1. frost and snow (~299)
    Mr Bridget Murphy
    Ballykelly, Co. Wicklow
    Mr James Maher
    Hillbrook Lower, Co. Wicklow