School: Carnadough (B.), Newtowncashel

Cornadowagh, Co. Longford
P. Eustace
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0753, Page 338

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0753, Page 338

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Carnadough (B.), Newtowncashel
  2. XML Page 338
  3. XML “Strange Beliefs about Churning”

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On this page

  1. In olden times churning was different to what it is now. It is said in olden times when people used to be churning, if a stranger came in, he would have to help to churn, and if he did not, he would bring the butter. There was another old remark in the olden times. A person could not put a coal on his pipe when the people would be churning. In olden, it is said a troop of fairies used to play about an Irish lake. Each fairy had golden hair, and it was very nice to see her driving before them to the lake to drink, a white cow which was as white as silver. One day the cow strayed away from the fairies, and a farmer who lived near found the white cow in the field among his own cows. He liked her very well and he drove her home before him and put her in. From that day onward the farmer grew richer. The butter and cheese made from her milk was the best in the world. He used only have to milk her every fourth day, and when they would churn they would have plenty of butter, and in they were making bad use of her butter and milk and she went out of her milk. They used only have to churn with a certain churn or if they didn't churn with that churn
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. activities
      1. economic activities
        1. agriculture (~2,659)
          1. butter and churns (~3,280)
    Séamus Ó Loingsigh
    Cashel, Co. Longford