School: Corr-Shaileach (roll number 12208)

Corsallagh, Co. Sligo
Tomás Ó Ceallaigh
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0172, Page 015

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0172, Page 015

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Corr-Shaileach
  2. XML Page 015
  3. XML “The Three Advices”

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On this page

  1. In olden times, there lived a man and his wife and
    their little son in a mudwalled cabin. He used go to
    England every year and come home at Christmas and
    have a few pounds with him. This time he got
    a job from a farmer in England for two
    years and when he was paying him his
    wages he asked him which would he rather
    get his money than three good advices. "Well"
    the old man said "I would like the two
    of them but I need the money but I'll chance
    the advices" "The first advice is " never sleep
    in a house where a young girl is married
    to an old man". (2) never go to a near way
    while you have the road (3) when you are in
    a temper sit down and smoke your pipe."
    Then he gave him a loaf of bread for his
    wife and young son to have a cup of tea
    when he would go home. They he thanked his
    master and bid him good bye and set out
    for home. When he came off the boat he
    had to walk for there were no trains in
    those days. He was walking until the night
    came. He then got lodgings from a young
    girl. He was on the eve of going to bed when a
    very old man came in and asked where was
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    Folktales index
    AT0910B: The Servant's Good Counsels
    Philomena Wynne
    Corsallagh, Co. Sligo
    Robert Wynne
    c. 55
    Corsallagh, Co. Sligo