School: Clochar na Trócaire, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart
- Location:
- Leckanvy, Co. Mayo
- Teacher: An tSr. Treasa
Open data
Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- XML School: Clochar na Trócaire, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart
- XML Page 112
- XML “Festival Customs - Feast of Epiphany”
- XML “The Care of our Farm Animals”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)in each house. Each member of the family claims a candle in the group.
The person whose candle burns out first, will, according to tradition - be the first one to die in the family. The Rosary is sometimes recited while the candles are lighting. - The following information was written by Std V VI VII.
The domestic animals are cows, horse, donkey, pigs, sheep cats dogs. There are no special names like Bawny etc on the cows, they are generally distinguished by colour eg. the black cow, white cow, grey cow etc. When driving the cows the people say "Whurish" "Whurish". When calling cows or calves they say "Suck" "Suck" or "Prigeen" "Prigeen"
The Cowhouse. Not known by any other name here. It is arranged as follows. A long pol on stick runs parallel to the wall, about 1 1/2 in height, and about four feet from it, this is the manger in which the hay is placed. The low manger is for the calved. Staples are(continues on next page)