School: Clochar na Trócaire, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart
- Location:
- Leckanvy, Co. Mayo
- Teacher: An tSr. Treasa

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0138, Page 013
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Clochar na Trócaire, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart
- XML Page 013
- XML “A Collection of Riddles”
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On this page
- Question: Why is churning like a caterpillar?
Answer: Because it makes the butterfly.
Ques: How can you make a slow horse fast?
Ans: Keep his food from him.
Ques: What shows other people what it cannot see itself?
Ans: A mirror.
Ques: if you wanted to light a fire, an oven and a gas and you had only one match which would you light first?
Ans: A match.
Ques: Why is a camel a irascible animal?
Ans: Because he always has his back up.
Ques: Why is a policeman like a rainbow:
Ans: Because he generally makes his appearance after a storm.
Ques: When is a cricketer very cruel?
Ans: When he bowles his maiden over.
Ques: When is a boy in the pantry like a poacher?
Ans: When he makes for the preserves.
Ques: When is a boat in trouble?
Ans: When it is in straits
Ques: What is the cleanest letter in the alphabet?
Ans: "h" Because it is in the middle of washing.(continues on next page)