School: Clochar na Trócaire, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart
- Location:
- Leckanvy, Co. Mayo
- Teacher: An tSr. Treasa

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0138, Page 044
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On this page
- These are the wild birds commonly found in the district; - blackbird, robin, thrush, starling, plover, wagtail, sparrow, wren, yellow-hammer, jack-daw, magpie, hawk. The usual common sea birds are seen on Clew Bay, sea-gull, cailleach dubh curlew. A little bird greyish brown with red feet is found here along the short, natives call it the red shank. The migratory birds are cuckoo corncrake, swallows including the house martins. Grouse, are found among the mountains, snipe in the marshy places.
The robin builds its nest in a mossy bank - very neat a work of art, the blackbird and thrush, build in the forked branch of a tree or high hedge, the wren builds in a wall, with hay wool &moss. It is so small that your two fingers could scarcely go into it. The crows and jackdaws build on top of a tree or in chimneys, they use sticks an wool. The magpie builds on top of a tree with sticks and wool, he is a great their sometimes steals clothes pegs, even knives and spoons to his nest. The swallows and martins build in eaveshoots. Some of the swallows here build in the cliff, they repair the old nests making them from mud. The curlews build in the cliff too. The skylark builds on the ground, so too does the corncrake.(continues on next page)