School: Clochar na Trócaire, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart
- Location:
- Leckanvy, Co. Mayo
- Teacher: An tSr. Treasa

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0138, Page 107
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- XML School: Clochar na Trócaire, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart
- XML Page 107
- XML “Festival Customs - St Brigid's Day”
- XML “Festival Customs - St Patrick's Day”
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On this page
- Festival Customs
Festival days are arranged in order of time beginning with St. Brigid’s day. This information was supplied by pupils of Srds VI + VII
St. Brigid’s Day
On St. Brigid’s day the little girls of the district dress up a doll which they call a Brideóg. Then they go from house to house and repeat the following rhyme
“Here comes poor Brigid both deaf and both blind
Put your hand in your pocket and give her a coin
If you haven’t a penny a halfpenny will do
If you haven’t a halfpenny God bless you.”
The people usually give a few pence. If they ask the child’s name its not customary to tell it. - The usual Irish custom of wearing the shamrock is carried out on this day. A few of the old men drown the shamrock by taking a few drinks in the public house. There are not any great celebrations to honour the feast but occasionally the Mullagh and Murrisk bands play through the village.