School: Na Creaga
- Location:
- Creggs, Co. Galway
- Teacher: Liam Ó Breandáin

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0015, Page 062
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- XML School: Na Creaga
- XML Page 062
- XML “Folklore - Old Cures”
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On this page
- A cure for a boil is to mix soap and sugar together and make a plaster of it and leave it on the boil. In a few days the boil will be cured.
A cure for a corn is to get a piece of bread and dip it in vinegar and leave it on the corn. After a short time it will draw out the corn.
Lamp-oil is a cure for a burn.
A cure for a thorn is to leave a foxes tongue on it and it will draw out the thorn.
A cure for a whooping-cough is to ask a man who has a white horse for the cure and whatever the man says will cure the whooping-cough.
A cure for a hic-cough is(continues on next page)- Collector
- Peter Mc Guire
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Fairfield, Co. Galway
- Informant
- Patrick Mc Guire
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Fairfield, Co. Galway