School: Na Creaga
- Location:
- Creggs, Co. Galway
- Teacher: Liam Ó Breandáin

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0015, Page 244
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Na Creaga
- XML Page 244
- XML “Folklore - Mattie Mannion”
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On this page
- About a hundred years ago a child who had seven fingers on each hand was born in Friaryland, on the western slope of Mount Mary. His name was Mattie Mannion.Shortly after his birth a story got abroad that such a person was mentioned in an old prophecy and that in the final battle for Irish freedom he would hold up the enemy cavalry in a three corner field near the summit of Mount Mary.It was believed that he possessed supernatural power and that by merely catching hold of the bridals of the leading horses the enemy would be powerless to advance any further.This legend spread to every part of Ireland and Mannion believed in it himself up to the time of his death which occurred about twelve years ago.