School: Na Creaga
- Location:
- Creggs, Co. Galway
- Teacher: Liam Ó Breandáin

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0015, Page 095
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- XML School: Na Creaga
- XML Page 095
- XML “Folklore - Bread”
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On this page
- In olden ages, flour was scarcely known of and the people lived on oatmeal and stirrabout. Oat meal cake was made from a mixture of meal, cold water and salt. It was sometimes made up in squares and it was then baked on a griddle until it was quite hard. A dinner of this with white cabbage and bacon was considered a fine meal.
There was another mixture which was called "Smhódín". For this a few fistfulls of oatmeal was mixed with some milk or tea and it was then a fine drink.
Another drink which was called "Whitewater" was gladly welcomed on fine days. Some oatmeal was put into a vessel and a great quantity of water was poured on it. The mixture was then stirred until the water became white.
Later on when flour came to Ireland, the people wondered greatly and all they could get at a time was one stone of(continues on next page)- Collector
- Peggy Geraghty
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Creggs, Co. Galway
- Informant
- Mrs Geraghty
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Creggs, Co. Galway