School: Na Creaga
- Location:
- Creggs, Co. Galway
- Teacher: Liam Ó Breandáin

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0015, Page 091
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- XML School: Na Creaga
- XML Page 091
- XML “Folklore - The Cootes”
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- Those were Landlord of Castlecoote, and they were very cruel tyrants. They evicted hundreds of their tenants, and drove them to the bogs, and mountains, and converted all their small tenants into ranches. It is said that they were most cruel to the tenants who owned property belonging to them, and the day they had appointed for the rent to be paid, you would have to have it ready or they would evict you.
There was also another Landlord Caulfield of Donamon Castle. He was a good charitable landlord. He was very generous towards his tenants. The poor of his property, he used to supply them with clothes, and food, and it is said that anyone that owed him rent money he would never mind. He used also hold a festival once a year, and have all his tenants invited, and also hold an annual sports and have them asked(continues on next page)- Collector
- Frankie Kilby
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Creggs, Co. Galway
- Informant
- William Keaveney
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Creggs, Co. Galway