School: Béal an Átha Buí (Clochar) (roll number 15872)
- Location:
- Ballinaboy, Co. Galway
- Teacher: An tSr Tr. Ní Orcáin

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0005, Page 145
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Béal an Átha Buí (Clochar)
- XML Page 145
- XML “A Story”
- XML “Bróga”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)of the Fianna. He was a hundred years in Tir-na-n-og but he thought he was only a year there. All his friends when dead by now. Just then he saw a crowd of men trying to lift a stone. He bent down to lift it but the stirrup broke and he fell to the ground. Immediately he was turned into an old man, withered and grey and old. The steed vanished from his sight and he saw it no more.
- Bróga
Caitheann gach duine bróga anois. Caitheann na
daoine thart timcheall na h-aáte seo bróga
nuair atá siad in ann siubhal. Bhíodh na
daoine ocht bliadhna déadh d’aois nó mar
sin fadó nuair a thosóchaidís bróga a chaitheamh.
Deisightear bróga ins na háite seo. ‘Siad na
Gréasaidhe a dhéananns an obaur sin. Tugtar
na buinn. Tugtar taoibhín ar leather atá
fuághalta ar thaobh na bróige. Chéad ‘na
mbíonn cíor air a dhéanann na tgréasaidhe
gréasaidhe úsaid leis chun fuagháil. Ní caithtear(continues on next page)- Collector
- Máire Ní Mhadaín
- Gender
- Female
- Informant
- Tomás Ó Madaín
- Gender
- Male
- Age
- 50
- Address
- Ballinaboy, Co. Galway