School: Naomh Seosamh, Shrule
- Location:
- Shrule, Co. Mayo
- Teacher: Mícheál Ó Reachtaire

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0102, Page 068
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- XML School: Naomh Seosamh, Shrule
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- Tá cuid mhaith sean-roilig thart ar Sruthar. Tá ceann ag Sruhar, ag Cill, ag Domhnach Pádhraig agus ag Máighne. Cuirtear daoine ag Sruthar agus cuirtear daoine i ngach aon ceann eile aca freisin. Bhí teampuill annsin fadó agus bhí Naomh Páidhraigh i nDomhnach Pádhraig agus i gCill agus tá fothracha an dá mhainistir ann fós. Tá roilig i gCathair Mhóir agus cuireadh páistí ann sé bliana ó shoin acht bhí páiste curtha ann dó nó trí bliana ó shoin.
- Two men and a woman were coming home from a fair in Shrule on time. These three were fighting all day. In the evening when, they had to come home the Dalgan road together and they never stopped arguing. One man had to go in the avenue.
When he was going in, the others man;s wife shouted "he is beating me". Her husband followed him in the the avenue and the other man hid behind a tree. The woman's husband saw him and struck him with a stone. He left him there dying. The man was bleeding badly until he died. Ever since that(continues on next page)- Collector
- Daniel Kelly
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Dalgan Demesne, Co. Mayo
- Informant
- Stephen Murphy
- Relation
- Unknown
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Dalgan Demesne, Co. Mayo