School: Aubane, Sráid an Mhuilinn (roll number 16163)

Aubane, Co. Cork
Tadhg Ó Corcaráin
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0325, Page 040

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0325, Page 040

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Aubane, Sráid an Mhuilinn
  2. XML Page 040
  3. XML “Fulfilling a Promise - A True Story”

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On this page

  1. I
    About 200 yards to the west of Dáithín's house there lived a farmer and his family. The farmer was one John Sullivan - and was generally known as "Jack Cooley". His wife's maiden name was Kitty Kelleher and the neighbours always called her by this name. She and Joan Dáithín were special friends and she too kept a special bed for the "Travelling people". One of those used visit the house annually, generally in the beginning of the harvest and remained for about a fortnight "helping in the busy times". As far as I can remember this "little man" was known as "Paddy from Galway".
    One of Jack Cooley's sons was called Jamsey and in the summer evenings, after the day's work, he with the neighbouring boys used spend their time in playing "goal" (hurling) in the field next to Dáithín's fort.
    "Jamsey" was his mother's favourite son but, after the harvest work he contracted a bad cold which developed into consumption. He began pining away and when his mother observed that his case was hopeless she became distracted and nursed him day and night. A few weeks before he died his mother in the course of a conversation with him said "Jamsey when you die will you come back to see me if you can". He promised her that he would if possible and that he would not be long dead when he would re-visit her. He died a
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. agents (~1)
      1. supernatural and legendary beings (~14,864)