School: Castlesampson
- Location:
- Castlesampson, Co. Roscommon
- Teacher: Aodh Ó Fithcheallaigh

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0269, Page 237
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- XML School: Castlesampson
- XML Page 237
- XML “Riddles”
- XML “Riddles”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)2. What should a man do if he split his sides with laughter?
Answer. Run till he gets a stitch in them.
3. What part of a fish is like the end of a book.
Answer. the finish of it (finish part).
4. Why is the man who gambles like an over baked loaf?
Answer. Because both are crusty.
5. What is lengthened by being cut at both ends.
Answer. A trench.
6. How far does a person walk into a wood.
Answer. Half way. - Gathered by Martin Finneran (12) Onagh, Taughmaconnell Ballinasloe.
1. 24 white cows standing in a stall.
In comes rea bull and (?) them all.
Answer. (?) and tongue.
2. What goes on four in the morning
two in middle of day
and three in the evening
Answer. A human being.- Collector
- Martin Tinneran
- Gender
- Male
- Age
- 42597
- Address
- Loughtee Upper, Co. Cavan