School: Slattagh (roll number 13879)
- Location:
- Moher, Co. Roscommon
- Teacher: Brian Ó Baoighill

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0256, Page 050
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“In a certain house there lived a man and his wife and daughter.”
In a certain house there lived a man and his wife and daughter. One night the man and woman were asked to a wedding so the child had to stay alone, and as she was very much afraid she asked her cousin to stay the night with her. When they were a while in bed the bed clothes were pulled down off them. The little girl pulled them up again. In a short time this was repeated and the third time the clothes were pulled off and left in a corner of the room. The girl went out to bring them back and as she did so the cock crowed outside three times so they knew it was the "good-people".- Collector
- Girlie Walshe
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Culleenaghamore, Co. Roscommon
- Informant
- L. Walshe
- Address
- Culleenaghamore, Co. Roscommon