School: Slattagh (roll number 13879)
- Location:
- Moher, Co. Roscommon
- Teacher: Brian Ó Baoighill

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0256, Page 053
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Slattagh
- XML Page 053
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On this page
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“One night, long ago, a man and his wife were coming from rambling.”
One night, long ago, a man and his wife were coming from rambling. When they were coming along the road the woman saw a man she knew and who was long dead, walking beside them. She told her husband and he could not see him atall. They continued on their journey and when they came to a lane where the dead man lived he turned up the lane and went into the house and still, although the woman still saw him her husband could not see him atall.- Collector
- Girlie Walshe
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Culleenaghamore, Co. Roscommon
- Informant
- L. Walshe
- Address
- Culleenaghamore, Co. Roscommon