School: An Fearann (roll number 14438)
- Location:
- Farran, Co. Cork
- Teacher: Muiris Buttimer

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0345, Page 305
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- XML School: An Fearann
- XML Page 305
- XML “A Burning”
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On this page
- About three years ago a serious outbreak of fire occured in the haggard owned by Mr John Russel of Rosemount. It was a fine calm day in the early autumn, and a threshing machine was working in the haggard.
All went well until evening when the greather portion of the corn had been thrashed. The men had just returned to work after tea when a warning shout of "Fire" was heard.
In a few minutes a large rick of straw was on fire, and the men ran for safety in all directions. The haggard is enclosed by a high stone wall, so it made escape difficult, and many of the men had narrow escapes from the flames. Meanwhile the fire spread rapidly to an adjoining shed of hay, a barn of oats and some other houses. The owner of the threshing set - Mr. Flynn of Kilcrea - succeeded in saving the engine, but the thresher was destroyed by the flames.
The fire brigade was phoned for but when it arrived the men were powerless to help as the water supply was not near enough. The fire was quenched in three hours, but the remains smouldered until next day. As the haggard is situated close to the public road, all traffic was held up for a few hours. The residence escaped and there was no loss of life.- Collector
- John Corkery
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Rooves More, Co. Cork
- Informant
- Mr Corkery
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Rooves More, Co. Cork