School: An Fearann (roll number 14438)

Farran, Co. Cork
Muiris Buttimer
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0345, Page 312

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0345, Page 312

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: An Fearann
  2. XML Page 312
  3. XML “The Potato Crop”

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On this page

  1. There are many crops grown on the farm but the potato crop is considered the most important. The potato is a very substantial food for both man and beast.
    In this district anything from one to three acres of potatoes are usually grown on each farm. All the potatoes grown on the farm are not consumed by the people themselves. They are also used to feed cattle, pigs, and horses. Some are kept for seed, and the surplus is sold.
    The stubble on which the potatoes are to be planted is ploughed in November or December. It is then left to rest until March when it is harrowed and ploughed a second time. Then it is again harrowed until the ground is fine enough for drilling.
    The drills are made from 27 to 30 inches wide. Farm yard manure is then spread between them. The potatoes are cut each into three or four parts which are called "sciollans". Each of these parts must contain at least one eye out of which the little shoots spring. They are then left to rest for about three days.
    The "Sciollans" are planted in the furrows on which the manure is already spread. The distance between them varies according to the variety of seed
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. activities
      1. economic activities
        1. agriculture (~2,659)
          1. potatoes (~2,701)
    Daniel F. Murphy
    Currahaly, Co. Cork
    Mr Denis Murphy
    Currahaly, Co. Cork