School: Baile an Bhuitléirigh, Tigh Molaga
- Location:
- Butlerstown, Co. Cork
- Teacher: Mícheál Ó Muimhneacháin

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0318, Page 093
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- XML School: Baile an Bhuitléirigh, Tigh Molaga
- XML Page 093
- XML “The Old Roman Catholic Chuch in Butlerstown”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)only on Sundays and Holidays. There used to be about 200 people at Mass. The ages for Confirmation were 8,9,10 years and Holy Communion was given a week afterwards. The most marriages were at Lislevane. They used to go on saddle horses, the men in front and the women behind. The seat that the women sat on was called the "cuilóg". They used to sit on the walls outside the gate talking before Mass. There were no missions only back stations. The dead used to be prayed for in Irish but no corpse used to be brought to the chapel. There was a bell and an old man used to ring it. One man used to serve Mass. There used to be no Benediction & no music. There were no Stations of the Cross during Lent. It had three common doors, one front & two side doors. People used to stand outside the gate after Mass. Men used to wear big tall hats with feathers. Women used to wear big freize petticoats, black & red and a black home spun dress & a frieze cloak.