School: Courtnacuddy (roll number 5038)
- Location:
- Cúirt na Cuide, Co. Loch Garman
- Teacher: (ní thugtar ainm)

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0901, Page 212
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- XML School: Courtnacuddy
- XML Page 212
- XML “Old Customs”
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On this page
- The old people of this district Courtnacuddy Enniscorthy have a custom not to eat any meat on Saint Stephen's day, so that they may have good health the year round.
Other people say if you kill a chicken on Saint Martins' day you would have good luck with the fowl the year round.Another old custom is that a mill should not be worked on Saint Martins' day, because it is said it was in a mill that Saint Martin was killed. Most of the people do not white-wash the house in the month of May, because it is unlucky. If you eat a bit of palm on Palm Sunday it will keep away sickness for the rest of the year. It is not lucky to clean away the ashes on Monday, because it is said that you would be cleaning away the luck.- Collector
- Bridie O' Leary
- Gender
- Female
- Age
- 13
- Address
- Béal Átha Bórú, Co. Loch Garman