School: Muileann an Bhata (B.) (roll number 16478)
- Location:
- Mullinavat, Co. Kilkenny
- Teacher: Mártan Ó Crotaigh

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0850, Page 110
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- XML School: Muileann an Bhata (B.)
- XML Page 110
- XML “Fairy Fort”
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On this page
- Ballinarahy is the townland of the raths. There are many raths there. There is one in Sheas field at the back of James Fitzpatrick's house. Its shape is round and the centre is full of water There is a fence three feet high all round it and on the fence is a lot of hurt bushes growing. It is called the Pulla Voon. Peter Brophy told me that these raths were the houses of the Tua ta De Danann. They used to dig down underground and make a hole big enough for as many __ would be going to live in it. When they had this done they used to line it inside. They used to plat all round the sides with sallies. Then they used to get mud and plaster it. In Kilnaspic about three miles from Mullinavat there is a rath. It is situated on Pat O Shea's field. It is a ring in the centre of the field and in the centre is a hole in the ground. Long ago there were people living near the rath. These people had a beautiful daughter. One night the fairies(continues on next page)
- Collector
- P. Kelly
- Address
- Mullinavat, Co. Kilkenny
- Informant
- P. Brophy
- Age
- 67
- Address
- Buckstown, Co. Kilkenny