School: Naomh Peadar, Droichead Átha (roll number 11072)

Drogheda, Co. Louth
S. Mac Maoláin
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0680, Page 094

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0680, Page 094

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Naomh Peadar, Droichead Átha
  2. XML Page 094
  3. XML “Festival Customs - Valentine's Day”

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On this page

  1. On Valentine's Day (14th Feb) people used to send Valentine cards, which were about the size of a post card. There were coloured bows of ribbons attached to the corners and little rhymes written under them such as:

    If of me you often think
    Send me back my bow of pink
    If to me you would be true
    Send me back my bow of blue
    If you are another girl's fellow
    Send me back my bow of yellow.
    If to me you would be wed
    Send me back my bow of red
    If with me you wouldn't be seen
    Send me back my bow of green
    The sender used to write her name in the middle of the card. It is said that birds mate on Valentine's Day.
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    Louie Matthews
    Skylea, Co. Louth