School: Eiscear (roll number 1000)

Esker, Co. Galway
Sinéad, Bean Uí Chonghalaigh
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0003, Page 189

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0003, Page 189

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Eiscear
  2. XML Page 189
  3. XML “The Potato Crop”

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On this page

  1. Potatoes are the most useful and important crop that is grown in the farm. In my district nearly every farmer grows at least an acre of potatoes, but this amount varies nearly every year.
    In preparing for planting the potato-crop, the farmer first ploughs the soil, he then harrows it until the soil is very soft and free from lumps. Then drills one opened with a double plough, and the manure is spread between each drill. Ridges are seldom made in my parish except in newly broken land or in a small garden. When the manure is spread the sets are spread about a foot apart along the drills, these sets are usually cut by the woman of the house. They are then closed with a double plough and left there until the green stalk has
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. activities
      1. economic activities
        1. agriculture (~2,659)
          1. potatoes (~2,701)
    Liam Corcoran
    Esker, Co. Galway