School: Baile Mór Síl Anmchadha (Laurencetown)

An Baile Mór, Co. na Gaillimhe
Seán Ó Cogaidhín
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0055, Page 0106

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0055, Page 0106

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Baile Mór Síl Anmchadha (Laurencetown)
  2. XML Page 0106
  3. XML “Funny Stories - First Day at Races”

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On this page

  1. (106)
    Funny Stories (cont'd)
    A. Scott, Lismany, Laurencetown.
    First Day at Races
    Tom Kelly nicknamed "Snug" went to the Galway races for the first time in his life at the age of fifty years. He arrived at the racecourse early with two friends. They went to the refreshment tent and had a couple of drinks. They then decided to inspect the course. When they came to the Regulation Jump "Snug" asked his comrades "what was that?" and was told it was a Jump. "What do you mean Man?" "Do you think I'm a fool sure no horse would jump that?" In the meantime up came a local jockey - Jack Cahabin - and saluted his friends. The Jockey was in a hurry as he was billed to ride in the first race. "By the way Jack you are the man that can tell me what is that" - pointing to the jump" enquired "Snug". That is the Regulation Fence replied the jockey departing. "It is to be sure" said "Snug". "and why wouldn't it these fellows told me it was a jump"
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. seánra
      1. ealaín bhéil (~1,483)
        1. scéalta grinn (~6,086)
    A. Scott