School: Laragh (B.)

Larah, Co. Cavan
P. Ó Briain
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0981, Page 093

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0981, Page 093

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

See copyright details.


Open data

Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

  1. XML School: Laragh (B.)
  2. XML Page 093
  3. XML “Cures - Sciatica”
  4. XML “Cure of Severe Bleeding”
  5. XML “Cures - Sprain”

Note: We will soon deprecate our XML Application Programming Interface and a new, comprehensive JSON API will be made available. Keep an eye on our website for further details.

On this page

  1. Cure of severe bleeding from cut or other wound. Bleeding ceases curer blesses himself waves his hand towards bleeding & says three times
    " A child born in Bethlehem
    And washed in river Jordan
    And as Christ says you shall
    Stop this blood"
    Given by Mick Donohoe Tullycoe
    Also had by Mick Gallagher Larah.
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
  2. Sprain
    The patient blesses himself also the curer who rubs the affected part between his hands then he (curer) repeats these words silently
    As Jesus rode on His ass's colt, His ass's colts foot slipped. He got down
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.