School: Breac-chluain (roll number 13147)
- Location:
- Brackloon, Co. Galway
- Teacher: Liam Ó Seachnasaigh

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0001, Page 395
Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.
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- XML School: Breac-chluain
- XML Page 395
- XML “Local Heroes”
- XML (no title)
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- (continued from previous page)to be a hurling match in Dunsandle Lawn the following day. Lord Dunsandle came out to see the match in progress. He saw the man he sent to Dublin. He walked to him and catching him by the collar of the coat said, "I thought I sent you to Dublin." The man said, "the letter you gave me I delivered in Dublin and here is the answer I got to give you" giving him a letter. When Lord Dunsandle read the letter, he really knew he was in Dublin. He took him into the house and gave him some special refreshment.
(no title)
“In the time of the Land League there lived in Kiltulla a man by the name of Martin O'Halloran.”
In the time of the Land League there lived in Kiltulla a man by the name of Martin O'Halloran. He was associated with the Land League. This man held meetings in Clonshecahill in a field called the Doircen. This field was situated beside the Clonshecahill bog about two(continues on next page)- Informant
- Thomas Creaven
- Gender
- Male
- Age
- 89
- Address
- Cloonsheecahill, Co. Galway