School: Clochar Lughbhaidh, Bundobhráin (roll number 14531)

Bundoran, Co. Donegal
Siúracha Naomh Lughbhaidh
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 1026, Page 031

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 1026, Page 031

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

  1. XML School: Clochar Lughbhaidh, Bundobhráin
  2. XML Page 031
  3. XML “Local Marriage Customs”
  4. XML “Ways With Wild Fruits”

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On this page

  1. For people who are going to get married, the usual time for getting married is before Lent and on Shrove Tuesday. People say Friday and Saturday are unlucky days to get married. Money is given as a wedding present or as a dowry. It is necessary to have five present at a marriage. The wedding breakfast is nearly always in the house of the bride. There are a lot of old customs, which they keep in the country. On the night of the marriage, there is nearly a dance in the house of the bride. Straw-boys comes to the house and the bridegroom is supposed to go out and give the boys a treat and some money. Then they go away dancing and singing wishing them good luck. The bringing home or the hauling home is another great custom. That night they have a party that lasts the whole night. At the end of a month or so when all is over they get a house and live together and also they start to work.
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