The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0771

    Page 209

    the cake that night.
    Never throw out water on All Sould day. You ar throwing it inot the Soul's faces.
    Leave a basin of warer on the floor on All Souls night for the Souls to wash their feet. If you give money to a poor man at the door on All Souls Day you'll have great luck for the year. Holy Thursday is considered a lucky day to sell animals. Better prices will be given and animals bought on that day will thrive.
    Dont hang out clothes to dry on May Day. Clothes hung out this day will rot. On New Year's Eve, the door should be left open till mid-night to let in the New Year and let the old year out.
    These customs were collected by Molly Reilly Rathcoffey N.S. who got them from her Father who lives in Painstown, Donadea, Co Kildare.
  2. All Souls' Night

    CBÉS 0776C

    Page 07_005

    The first of November Hallintide day. At twelve o'clock on the night of that day the souls begin roving
  3. The Feasts of the Year

    CBÉS 0033

    Page 0049

    Also The people sprinkle the blood of what ever they kill over the door. The first of November is calles all Saint's Day. It is said that the suffering souls are wandering about the world on the eve of all Saint's Day. No one likes to be out late on that night, in case that they would see anyone that died belonging to them. The feast of all Souls is held on the second of November. On that day the priests allowed to read three masses. On the eleventh of November the feast day of St. Martin is celebrated. The people kill some fowl for that day also and they sprinkle the blood over the door. The next feast is Christmas Day. It is the biggest feast of the year. The priest is also allowed to read three masses on this day. The twenty sixth of December is St. Stephens Day. The young school boys go round from house to house on that day with the wren. They catch the wren the night before and they put him in a cage. They generally get money in every house (at) they go into. When they go into every house they say
    Dreoilín, dreoilín, rí na n-éan
    Lá Fhéile Stíopháin do gabhadh an t-éan
    Is mór é a muirghin is beag é féin
    Dá bhfuigheadh sé ceapara d'íosfadh sé é.
  4. Lore of Certain Days

    CBÉS 0241

    Page 020

    cabbage to ensure a good crop for the year.
    November Day:
    On November Day the souls of our dead are prayed for. There is High Mass for them in every church on November 2nd. The old people would not throw out dirty water on All Souls Day fearing that it would touch the spirits of the dead who are calling out to us. "Have pity on me. Have pity on me at least you my friends."
    Christmas Day:
    This is the greatest feast of the year. The meals on this day are the best that can be procured. All the members of the family try to be at home for dinner on Christmas Day. Christmas is a time for giving and getting presents.
    St Stephen's Day:
    The 26th of December is St. Stephen's Day. Young boys and sometimes girls too go from door to door asking money to bury the wren. They dress in old clothes and disguise themselves as best they can. They play music and dance and sing. Sometimes very respectable boys come
  5. Composition - Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0138

    Page 335

    in a tub of water. It is All Saint's Day and they play other games also.
    The next day is All Souls Day and we pray for the souls in Purgatory. It is said that there is a dead person's soul in every house asking the people's prayers.
  6. Lucky and Unlucky Days

    CBÉS 0152

    Page 372

    own house Christmas day, you would be gone for the whole year. It is not right to throw out dirty water Christmas day or night.
    All souls day:- People say it is right to offer up the rosary on that night for the souls in purgaruty, because on that night there is a suffering soul at the rafter of the house expecting a prayer.
  7. The Lore of Certain Days

    CBÉS 0684

    Page 138

    forty days afterwards.
    New Years Day
    An old belief connected with New Year's Day is that no matter what you do on that day you will do that all the year round. For instance if a child falls on New Year's Day and starts crying the mother says - "Dont cry or you will cry all the year round."
    St Stephen's Day
    On St Stephen's Day some local people never eat meat. By doing so they ward off sickness for the year.
    Palm Sunday
    A custom connected with Palm Sunday is that if a person not move a foot during the time the priest is reading the long Gospel he will relieve a poor soul from Purgatory
    Holy Saturday
    On Holy Saturday people always bring home a quantity of the Holy water blessed on that day, because it is said to bring luck to the house.
    All Souls' Night
    People never throw out water on All Souls Night because they would they would throw it on a poor soul
  8. Story

    CBÉS 0845

    Page 340

    The next day at twelve o’clock the house took fire in the thatch just over the front door. The people wondered what started the fire and they easily put it out. The next day the same thing happened and the fire was put out again. The people were all talking about the fire and one person advised the man who owned the house to go to the priest for his advice. The priest said not to do anything but but to wait to see would it occur again. The next day the same thing happened again and the owner went to the priest again and the priest told them to build another house a short bit away and to knock the old house out of the way. He said that it was in the way for some poor souls who were doing their purgatory on earth. The people of the house did so and knocked down the old house and they were never interfered with after that or another burning never happened but the people were prosperous ever after.
  9. Halloween

    CBÉS 0953

    Page 226

    in finding them again. They tie one another's doors and the next morning they have to go out through the window to open them The people make potato pudding as an extra feast and put a ring in it and whoever gets it will be married in twelve months. They leave some food for the fairies to eat. It is an old custom to put on a big fire and leave chairs around it for the holy souls to come in and warm themselves. Then the children retire to bed after their good supper. The next day being all souls day is a holiday of obligation and it is also a school holiday. There are visits to be made for the holy souls on that day.
  10. Local Customs

    CBÉS 0380

    Page 074

    for it is said it would bring luck.
    November Day.
    November day is called All Hallow E'en. On that night a barm-brack is got for the supper which contains a ring, a pea, a bean, a stick and a rag. The person who gets the rag is supposed to be a priest or a nun and the person who gets the ring is supposed to be married. Whoever gets the pea is going to be poor but riches will come the way of the person who gets the bean.
    All Souls Day
    On that day three candles are lighted for the Holy Souls and they are put in the middle of the kitchen when all the people are gone to bed.
    Christmas Day
    A few days before Christmas everyone is preparing for that great feast. On Christmas morning it is the
  11. Festive Customs

    CBÉS 0900

    Page 311

    that ghosts and fairies were to be seen.
    This custom is now dying out in the district. In very few houses now the lights are to be seen in the windows, and several dances and other amusements, such as card-playing are now held during
    that night.
    All Soul's Day, 2nd November. On that morning there are three Masses said in the Chapel, and the people of the district assist at those Masses, for their deceased relatives. They also make nine visits to the Church between noon on the 1st November, All Saints' Day to noon on the 2nd November "All Souls' Day" and offer prayers for the suffering souls in Purgatory.
    New Year's Eve, the last day of the year,
    the people of the district make preparations for New Year's Day. The send cards and gifts to their friends.
  12. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0351

    Page 585

    backs, and they put their heads into the tub to catch the apple. The following day is called "All Souls Day", and mass is celebrated for the repose of their souls.
  13. Home Prayers

    CBÉS 0783

    Page 232

    Home Prayers.
    Jesus dear the day is over, now I leave my labour light, and before I seek my slumber, come to say a sweet good night. Would that I could tarry near Thee, rest before Thy lonely Shrine. Thou woulds't whisper loving secrets and I would tell thee all of mine. But I cannot linger Jesus I must leave Thee for awhile, now bestow on me a blessing and a fond improving smile. I will leave my heart beside Thee, it will rest securest there, and within its fond embrace, twill grow to thee more dear, so good night once more my Jesus, grant no matter where I be, all my thoughts and all my dreaming,be of Thee and only Thee. Amen.
    O my God, I offer Thee this day through the most pure hands of the B.V. M. all the masses that are offered this day (day) throughout the entire world for Thy greater honour and a glory for the honour of the Holy Mother for the holy souls in purgatory, and for the salvation of dying souls
  14. Feast-Days of the Year

    CBÉS 0609

    Page 469

    Feast Days of the Year.
    November's Eve. November's Eve
    falls on 31th of October .It is the beginning of the month of the Holy Souls.
    We have a great feast of apples ,nuts,beans,and barm-brackon that night.Candles are lighted in honour of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
    Saint Patrick.Saint Patrick's Day falls on the 17th of March.It was Saint Patrick brought the true faith to Ireland.The Boy's Scout |Band goes out on St Patrick's Day .We have a high mass in honour of his feast day,and all the children enter the chapel and sing the mass.
    Saint Stephen's Day .We go to early mass on Saint Stephen's Day.
    We come home when mass is over and we eat our breakfast .Then we dress up in old clothes
  15. Feasts

    CBÉS 0033B

    Page 03_033

    (1) The Circumcision (2) Epiphany (3) St Bridgets Day (4) Shrove (5) Lent (6) Ash Wednesday (7) St Patricks Day (8) Spy Wednesday (9) Good Friday (10) Easter Sunday (11) May Day (12) Ascension Thursday (13) Corpus Cristi (14) Whit Sunday (15) S S Peter and Paul Day (16) Assumption (17) November Day (18) All Souls Day (19) All Saints Day (20) Immaculate Conception (21) Xmas Eve (22) Xmas Day (23) Xmas Night (24) St Stephens Day.
    1. The Circumcision. Or New Years Day.
    People stay up until New Year come to see the kind of weather. It is said that whatever kind of weather is on New Years Night will be all
  16. Feasts

    CBÉS 0033B

    Page 06_018

    New Years Day, Epiphany, Purification, Presentation, Ash-Wednesday, Lent, Ember Days, Passion Sunday, Palm Sunday Spy Wednesday, Maunday Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter, St. Patricks Day, St Bridgets Day, St Joseph, Annunciation, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Corpus Christi, Feast of the Sacred Heart, S.S. Peter and Paul, Visitation, Assumption, Nativity, Michaelmas day, All Saints day, All souls day;
    On this night it is customary to light twelve small candles. Everybody gets a candle
  17. Feasts

    CBÉS 0033B

    Page 07_034

    New Year's Day, Epiphany, St Patrick's Day, Ascension thursday. Corpus Christi, Saint Peter and Pauls Day, Assumption, All Saints Day, Christmas Day, St Bridgets Day, Shrove, Lent, Ash Wednesday, Spy Wed, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, May Day, All-Souls Day, Immaculate Conception, Xmas Night, St Stephans Day.
    New Year's Day
    If a beggar man is seen on new
  18. Halloween

    CBÉS 0377

    Page 134

    Halloween comes the last day in October every year. It is the eve of All Saints' day. The day after All Saints' day is All Souls' day. It is the custom to light three big candles and leave them lighting all night on All Saints' Night. A cake is bought called the Hallowe'en Barm Brack. This cake contains a ring, stick, pea, bean and rag. The cake is cut into thick slices and each person in the house gets a bit. It is said that the ring is for marriage, the stick for a coffin, the pea for poverty, the bean for prosperity, and the rag for a habit. Hallowe'en is also called snap-apple night.
    A tub of water is placed in the middle of the kitchen. Then an apple is put into the tub and each person tries to take it out with his mouth while blindfolded. Another old custom is to hang an apple on a piece of cord from the roof of the kitchen. Then the apple is hit to make it swing and the people try to catch it in their mouths while it is swinging. Sometimes two plates are placed on the table. A ring is placed in one while the other contains nothing. Some person is blindfolded and places his hand on one of the plates. If he touches the plate containing the ring he will be married in a short while; if he touches the other one he will never be married.
  19. St Colman's Well

    CBÉS 0671

    Page 153

    The "Patron" day is the 7th June and in the townland of Salterstown - which was formerly a parish - it is observed as a holiday. No work is done on that day. The church yard about a quarter of a mile distant, is visited on the eve of the festival, by people who have relatives buried there. The graves are cleaned and covered with flowers. On the Patron day Mass is celebrated for the repose of the souls of those interred there, and people visit the cemetery throughout the day.

    Information supplied by John Callaghan, blacksmith, Mount Doyle, who died on November 1936 aged 84 years.
    He was born at Mount Doyle where he lived all his life and heard this story from his parents.
  20. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 1108

    Page 159

    There are many festival customs.
    On St Brigid's night some people leave a cloth outside before going to bed. On the feast of the Holy Souls the people leave on a good fire and sweep the floor before going to bed so that the members of the family which are bed may come and warm themselves.
    The most important feast's of the year are:- The Epiphany, St Brigid's Day, St Patrick's Day, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Whit Sunday, Feast of St Peter and Paul, The Assumption, Hallowe'en Feast of All Saints, and Feast of All Souls, Christmas and St Stephen's day.