The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0234

    Page 281

    their hair during Lent except on Holy Thursday. That day is called, "Clip Thursday."
  2. Feast Days of the Year

    CBÉS 0594

    Page 290

    the year.
    Shrove Tuesday -Shrove Tuesday is the last day of Shrove A lot of people get married on that day.We make pancakes and have great fun on that night.On that night boys go around and with tins they hit the doors of those who did not get married.
    Lent-Lent is seven weeks before Easter Sunday.It is a time of prayer, fasting and alms -deeds it is the holy season .The only day of enjoyment is St Patrick's Day.
    Ash Wednesday- Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent .Ashes is blessed on that day .
    Chalk Sunday- Chalk Sunday is the first Sunday after Shrove Tuesday.The people that are not married are all chalked.
    Holy Thursday-Holy- Thursday is the Thursday before Easter Sunday.All holy oils are blessed and the Baptismal font is blessed on that day.
    Good Friday- Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday .On that day Our Lord was crucified and died nailed to the cross.
  3. Old Festival Customs - Holy Thursday

    CBÉS 0695

    Page 248

    On Holy Thursday people go to visit the Church. It is always beautifully decorated with flowers, and candles.
  4. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0060

    Page 0208

    people bring holy Ashes home with them. From Ash Wednesday on, people do the fast. People on that day start making little acts for Lent. The holy Ashes is blessed on that day. A lot of children fast from sweets that day. On Ash Wednesday people wear holy Ashes and placed on the peoples forheads to remind them that-"Dust thou art and into dust thou shalt return."
    Chalk Sunday -
    On the last Sunday of Shrove the children gathered round the young boys and girls and put strips of chalk on their clothes to show that they were not married during Shrove. Chalk Sunday is the Sunday before Lent. On this day boys or girls who are of marriage age, if they visit a house, when they are sitting down, somebody steals behind and marks them with chalk. Then they say that they will keep them until the Shrove of the next year.
    Holy Thursday -
    On Holy Thursday the principle thing is fasting and visiting churches. One is expected to visit at least three churches. Before first Mass on this day turf, bread, eggs and salt are blessed .Everybody brings home a piece of the blessed turf so that the house will not go on fire. They bring home salt so that they will have plenty the year round.
  5. (no title)

    The holy oils are blessed on Holy Thursday in every diocese.

    CBÉS 0691

    Page 148

    The holy oils are blessed on Holy Thursday in every diocese. In every church. The Blessed Sacrament is left on the altar. The people go to Mass and receive Holy Communion on that morning. During the day many people visit the church. That night there is benediction of The
  6. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0972

    Page 045

    their coats on St,Patrick's Day. Some wear green and gold badges which are generally in the form of a harp. Children wear green ribbons on their hair and if they have a green frock they wear it on that day.
    The eve of shrove Tuesday is called "Pancake Night" because it is the custom on that night for people to have pancakes for tea. Some ears ago marriages usually took place on that day.
    On Ash Wednesday most of the people go to mass as it is the first day of Lent. before mass the priest belles ashes and puts some on the forehead of each person, saying in Latin " Dust thou art, and unto dust hall now return". The ashes are from the palm blessed on Palm Sunday.
    There are ceremonies in the parish church on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. On Holy Thursday the Blessed Sacrament is removed from the Tabernacle of the High Altar to a Sancorphagus on the side altar which is then called the "Alter of Repose". The altar is draped and decorated with flowers and candles.
  7. Holy Week

    CBÉS 0993

    Page 347

    On Holy Thursday morning Mass was celebrated at half past eight o'clock.
    After Mass there was Benediction and the priest and altar boys marched from the high altar to the altar of repose.
    Before they started the biggest boy took a cross and he and two other boys with lighted candles in their hands marched on towards the altar of repose. Then the priest marched after them carrying the Blessed Sacrament and a boy marched after him carrying the incense.
    When they reached the altar of repose they knelt down and the priest and people said the Divine Praises.
    When Mass was over the Blessed Sacrament was left exposed during the day and all the people went on visits to adore it.
    It was left exposed all day on Holy Thursday and on that night and the priest took it off the ... on Good Friday morning.
    On Good Friday morning Mass of the pre-sanctified was celebrated at ten o'clock. This is a long ceremony which contains the gospel on passion, the procession the same as on Holy Thursday and a lecture by the priest and after this the people all went up to the altar rails and
  8. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0701

    Page 163

    St Brigids night.
    St Patricks Day:
    It falls on the 17th of march. It is a customs to wear a shamrock in honour of St Patrick who brought the true faith to Ireland.
    Shrove Tuesday:
    It is the day before lent. People make pancakes put a ring in them. Who ever gets the ring will be married the fallon year.
    Holy Thursday:
    It is the last day in lent. There is supposed to be a cure in the water that falls on holy Thursday. The holy oils are blessed on Holy Thursday.
    Good Friday:
    Our Lord died on the cross on Good Friday. It is a moveable feast.
    Easter Satureday:
    paschal fire is lit in the porch on Easter Saturday morning. People go around looking for their Easter cludog.
    Easter Sunday
    Our Lord rose from the dead on Easter Sunday
    Whit Sunday
    People say the drowning is supposed to be on the water on Whit Sunday.
    Whit Monday
    People born on Whit Sunday are called kinkisheens and a clout from a kinkisheen sometimes turns out serious; they are also unlucky.
    Cingcís is the Irish for Pentecost and that is how the name Cingcísín originated.
    May Day
    May day is called Lady day in honour of our blessed Lady Lady. Children go around with
  9. (no title)

    Some years ago in St Stephen's Green...

    CBÉS 0770

    Page 456

    Some years ago in St Stephen's Green Dublin there lived a protestant man named Lord. Ivey Guinness.
    This Holy Thursday night a daughter of this man was seriously ill and he sent for a nurse. The nurse who came was a good Catholic and she brought with her a beautiful Crucifix which she presented to the child. When Lord Ivey saw this he snatched the crucifix out of her hand and threw it out through the window. Ever since on Every Holy Thursday an immense crucifix appears in the window and crowds flock to see it.
  10. Holy Thursday

    CBÉS 0773

    Page 261

    The eggs laid on Holy Thursday are kept for Easter Sunday. There is always a little cross put on all these eggs. The people eat them on Easter morning. They are called Holy Thursday's eggs.
    Kathleen Smith
    22 nd November 1938
  11. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0965

    Page 052

    of the cock's step on the days.
    Holy Thursday:- During Lent the people of this district dont get their hair cut until Holy Thursday in memory of the way our Blessed Lady tore the hair off her head thinking of the agony her son was going to suffer the following day.
    Shrove Tuesday:- This day is called "Pancake Tuesday" because nearly all the people make pancakes for their supper on that night.
  12. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0238

    Page 163

    put on the forehead by the priest. During the "seven weeks of Lent" everyone does penance for his or her sins - fasts, abstains, or does good works - and some do heavy penance. All entertainments - concerts, dances etc. are abandoned.
    Holy Thursday occurs in the last week of Lent. Although it is not a holiday of Obligation in the Catholic Church everyone who can hears holy mass in the morning. It was on Holy Thursday Our Lord instituted the Blessed Sacrament and in every church there is an Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and worshippers may be seen in the church from morning till late at night.
    On Good Friday the death of Our Lord is commemorated. It is a public holiday in every christian country. Good Friday is a very solemn day in the district and all the people attend the services in the church.
    Whit Sunday is also called Pentecost. It occurs fifty days after Easter. The descent of the Holy Ghost is commemorated on Whit Sunday, and it is a very solemn feast of the Church.
    Easter Sunday is a great feast and is held to commemorate the rising of Our Lord from the dead. A great feast takes place in every home on Easter Sunday and everyone eats enough eggs - many more than on any other day during the year, and it is interesting to listen to children when they tell stories about the large number of eggs they ate.
    1st of May is regarded as the first day of summer and from this day fine mild pleasant weather is expected. May day is one of "land marks" in the year.
  13. Feast Days

    CBÉS 0595

    Page 005

    Holy Thursday :- On Holy Thursday the blessed oil and Baptismal fonts are blessed.
    Good Friday :- Our Lord was crucified on Good Friday.
    Easter Saturday ;- On Easter Saturday the priests bless the Easter water.
    Easter Sunday ;-Easter Sunday morning we eat more eggs than any other day. We get Easter eggs during Easter.
    Whit Sunday :- On Whit Sunday the Holy Ghost descended on the Apostles.
    White Monday: Whit Monday is a bank holiday. No work is done on that day.
    May Eve:- We have some customs as well for May Eve such as shaking Holy Water on the crops and animals and on
  14. The Local Fairs

    CBÉS 0181

    Page 266

    expect to find sale for a cow after twelve o'clock. There is no special fair for bonhams in Ballyfarnon but there is in Boyle The fairs that are held in Ballyfarnon are on the seventeenth of January, the eighth of February, the eighteenth of March, "the old hag's fair" on Holy Thursday, the seventeenth of April the nineteenth of May, the seventeenth of June, the sixth of July, the twenth of August, the nineteenth of September, the twenty-first of October, the seventeenth of November, and the Thursday before Saint Thomas's day.
  15. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0204

    Page 033

    On St Stephen's Day boys and grown-up men gather and go in procession from house to house playing on flutes, or melodeons, and dancing at each house. They are called wren boys, but they do not sing. They are disguised, and get money which they divide in the evening, sometimes they buy lemonade, buns, etc and have a feed.
    Important festivals are, St Patrick's Day, Shrove Tuesday, or pancake night when pancakes are made and eaten very plentifully. Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Whit Sunday, and Whit Monday, Feast of St. Simon Peter, and Paul. August 15th. Hallowe'en the twelve days of Christmas, St Stephen's Day, New Year's eve, New Year's Day, and the Epiphany.
    On St. Patrick's Day Shamrocks are worn and dances or conserts are are held on that night. Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Religious Services are held. On Easter Sunday eggs are eaten. On Whit Sunday, Feast of S.S. Peter, and Paul, August 15th, Religious Services are held.
    People believe they can go bathing after Whit Monday. races and sports are held. On Hallow Eve, apples, nuts, barm brack are eaten. Games are played by the Children such as ducking
  16. A Cure for Warts

    CBÉS 0208

    Page 308

    Pull ten rushes from the roots, throw away one, and rub each of the nine on the warts. Saying "In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Then bury the rushes in some wet place such as a manure heap. Repeat this three times on Monday, Thursday, and Monday again. Bury all rushes. As soon as the rushes begin to rot the warts will wither.
  17. Customs on Certain Days

    CBÉS 0219

    Page 278

    It is unlucky for a red haired woman to come in first on a New Years Day, but it is lucky for a man. On St. Brigids Day there is a rush cross made and hung over the kitchen door. It is called St. Brigids cross. On Ascension Thursday the farmers shake the Easter holy water on their crops. The farmers set or sow something on Good Friday and garlic is also set because there is a cure for a cold in it, and it prevents diseases also. Each man eats nine or ten duckeggs and some gooseggs on Easter Sunday, but that many are not eaten nowadays. On Garland Sunday the old people visited the holy wells. On Halloween night there are a lot of games and tricks played. It is said that the Ghosts come out on Halloween night.
  18. Local Cures - Whooping-Cough

    CBÉS 0222

    Page 106

    The cure for whooping cough is this, the person who is suffering from this disease goes under an ass foal, which was never ridden on before, three times in the name of the Father, Sone and the Holy Ghost. This is repeated for three days, Monday, Thursday and Monday. At the end of this time the whooping cough is supposed to disappear and the person is then cured.
  19. Food in Olden Times

    CBÉS 0230

    Page 108

    would not break their fast for from Holy Thursday mid day to Easter Sunday morning. Many women attended at the reading of the Passion on Good Friday with bare feet and their hair hanging loose over their shoulders.
  20. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0485

    Page 194

    On Chalk Sunday the old Maids and the old Bachelors , are chalked and 70 or 80 or 92 years written down on their backs.
    The Customs on Holy Thursday are the Procession of The Blessed Sacrament from the High Alter to the Alter of Repose which is decorated with flowers. In olden times people uses to drink their tea black on Ash Wednesday , Holy Thursday , and Good Friday and they used also eat herring for their dinner.
    On Saint Brigid's Day also the old people used to say that if you asked any favour of St. Brigid on that Day she would get it for you . It was the custom to call girls born on St. Brigid Day 'Brigid" as the old expression was "She brought her name home with her"
    In olden times it was the custom St. Patrick's Day that the people made crosses and wore them on their right shoulder .This is the way they were make. Two little bits of sticks or boards were got and sone of these was fastened across the in the form of a cross. Then