The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. Giants and Warriors

    CBÉS 0950

    Page 344

    There was a giant in Scotland and a giant in Ireland, but the giant in Scotland was far bigger than the giant in Ireland. The giant of Scotland was far stronger. The two of them fell out and the giant of Scotland waded over the sea to Ireland to fight the Irish giant. The Irish giant overcome the other giant, and the Scottish giant (overcome) thought it better to run away home, so he ran back to the sea. The Irish giant was not fit to overtake him. he got a rock and flang it after, the Scottish giant and it formed the Isle of Man, and the cave left in Ireland formed Lough Neagh.
  2. Scotch Giant and Irish Giant

    CBÉS 0142

    Page 127

    Scotch giant and Irish giant
    One time a giant in Ireland and a giant in Scotland challenged each other to see which of them was the strongest. When the I. giant saw the S giant coming he went into the a box and pretended he was a child. The S. giant came in and he asked the I. giant's wife where was her husband and she said he was out hunting. The S. giant asked her what deeds need he do and she said that any time the wind would be on the door, he would put his shoulder to the gable of the house and turn it round. The S. giant tried it but he could not stir it. She also showed him a very big rock that was in front of the house and she told him that her her husband would throw it across the house in the morning before his breakfast. The S. giant tried it but he could only lift it a foot off the ground. He came into the house and looked into the box where the I. giant was. The I. giant's wife said that that was her son and
  3. A Story

    CBÉS 0148

    Page 348

    oatmeal cakes that he would bring with him and when he would hit the giant between the two eyes with a cake, then the giant would know him. The next day he went off and wh[?} he came to the first giant's house he did as his wife told him and the giant knew him. The man told him what he wanted. The giant gave him a good supper that night and put him t[?] bed and said he would search up his books to see if he coul[?] find where the sword of light was. When the man wakene[?] the next morning the giant had not found where the swor[?] of light was. He told him to go to his other brother. He gav[?] him a shoe that would take him a mile every step he'd make. When he reached the other giant he did the same as before. The giant knew him. He did the same as the othe[?] giant. When the man wakened in the morning. The giant had not found where it was. He sent him to his other brother and gave him a shoe that would bring him two miles every step he'd make. When he reached the giant's house he did the same as before. The giant knew him and did the same as the other giants with him. The nex[?] morning when the man wakened the giant had found where it was just in the last page of his book. He gave him a pony and told him when he'd go to the gate of the house where the sword was to demand it and then to turn home. The man did as he was told and they nearly caught him. The next day he gave him a faster horse becau[?] they would have faster horses ready. He did the same as
  4. Fathaigh agus Laochra

    CBÉS 0965

    Page 352

    Once upon a time there lived in Ireland a giant whose name was Oscar. He heard that there was another giant living and he made up his mind to visit him. When he reached the place there he found the giant himself and his mother sitting at the fire. As the Irish giant was pretty tired he said he would go to bed for a little while. "Alright" said the woman "I will prepare a place of rest for you." When the giant was gone to bed he listened to what the English giant and his mother would be talking about. He heard the woman telling the giant to get a sledge and to go to the room where the Irish giant was and give him three strokes of the sledge. When the giant heard this and he in bed he looked about to see would there be anything in the bed but himself. He got an old block of wood and he put it into the bed and covered it. Then the English giant came into the room and gave the block three strokes and then went to the kitchen again. In the morning when the Irish giant got up the English giant said to him "Did you find anything last night?" "Yes I got three tiny strokes on the back" replied the Irish giant
  5. The Unlucky Farmer

    CBÉS 0146

    Page 621

    So he started off and he was travelling for a week till he came to a wood. As he was travelling through the wood he saw a big house built of trees. He came up and kocked at the door, the door opened and who did he see but a giant The giant caught a grip of him and went to kill him. But Tom said to the giant that he would beat him eating. When the giant heard this he let down Tom and went out the back door. But as soon as he did Tom pinned his [>[ bag inside his coat And the giant walked in with two dead pigs and put them down in a big pot. When they were boiled the giant took them up and put them on two big plates on the. Then he told Tom to sit over beside the table The table was so big that Tom's head was nearly over the table. Then they started eating and Tom used to take the lumps of pug and put them inside his coat in the bag. When Tom and the giant had finished Tom said the the giant that he had the bones left on the plate. So the giant eat them and Tom got up and took a knife off the table and ripped the bag. And the giant taught it was his stomick for the lumps of pig fell out. Then Tom said to the giant that he wouldn't do that and the giant took the knife and did the same. But as soon as he did he fell on the ground. And Tom came back to the village again. But while he was away the people
  6. Fairies, Leprechauns, Ghosts and Giants

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 098

    And there was this old woman sitting at the fire and her leg was cut. Biddy it was that was the hare.
    Long ago a famous giant lived in Ulster and at the same time another giant had his home across the sea in Scotland. This giant that lived in Scotland was a very jealous giant and he did not like the other giant. So he made up his mind to come over the Ireland.
    When he came he found the Ulster giant awaiting him. Now the giant that came from Scotland was always boasting. The giant that lived in Ulster defeated him and he ran towards the sea. The Irish hero ran after him, but he could not catch the other giant. The Scotch giant swam across the sea and the other giant tore up a huge mass of ground and threw it with all his great at the Scotch giant and it passed over his head and fell into the middle of the sea. It is said that it made a large island. This was afterwards known as the Isle of Man.
  7. Funny Story

    CBÉS 0616B

    Page 15_031

    There was a giant in Ireland and a giant in Scotland so one day the giant in Ireland went up on the top of a high mountain and he saw the giant in Scotland. So both of them went as far as they could because they wanted to fight. When the giant in Ireland saw the giant in Scotland, he said that he was twice as big as himself. So the giant in Ireland ran back home as quick as he could. When he went in home he told his wife that the other giant was after him. His wife was by the fire and there was a cradle near her and she told him to go into it and so he did. After a while the other giant came in to the house and he
  8. Funny Stories

    CBÉS 0037

    Page 0341

    Brother "I told you not to do it again" and he struck him with the sledge and killed him. Jack started laughing and the giant looked up and told him to come down. Jack did so slowly when he was down the giant lifted his sledge to kill jack, but he showed him his rod and the giant reading the words that were wrote on it begged of Jack not to kill him. The two then went home to the giant's house. The giant told his mother who was the only one living in the house the story about Jack. They had their dinner then. The giant then went out along with for a throwing match. The giant brought out three sledges one was six stone the other seven and the other eight. Jack looked at them and he said "What sort of little hammers are them weird the three of them together and make one right one. The giant wielded the three together with one blow. Then he gave it to Jack to throw it and Jack said "Well it was a rule in our country that the bigger man should do it first whether he was the strongest or not." So the giant flung it seven miles, then Jack told him to go for it and throw it back and he would throw it twenty miles. The giant did so but when he threw it back it fell into a lake that was near the giant's house so that they
  9. A Funny Story

    CBÉS 0373

    Page 280

    clurachaun” says the giant when he saw him “I’ll spare your life till morning. He got his supper and breakfast and then the giant brought out a heap of swords to choose one. The young fellow said “I have a little blade of my own that I brought from Ireland. So the fight began A robin came to the lad and told him take courage. He cut off one of the giant heads then the giant said “Spare my life” The giant said he would give anything he asked for but he killed the giant and got a copper crown in his castle. Then he went into the giant's wife. She had great compassion for him. Next day he set out for the second giant’s castle. He asked the first giants wife for a horse which she gave him. He mounted the horse. The wind that was before him he’d overtake it and the wind that was behind him he’d fly away from it he went so swift. The giant was out when he landed. The lady told him to hit the tallisman and that the giant would come whatever part of the world he’d be in. So he did and the giant came. He told him he’d spare his life till morning. They fought ten times worse than the first.
  10. The Giant Who Rose from the Dead Four Times

    CBÉS 0871

    Page 203

    The giant who rose from the dead four times.
    A man lived somewhere in the south of Wexford long ago and he killed three giants. He was wondering how he was going to bury them. There was a fool of a man living near by and he would do anything for three pence. The man asked him to bury a giant for him. He did not say that he had three giants but he told him to bury the giant deep. Jack took the giant and brought him off on his shoulder. He went to a field and buried the giant six feet deep and went off to the man's house. "Begor" says the man, "he was home before you, bring him off again and be sure that he won't get back again". So Jack toot the second giant and went to bury him. Jack put him eight feet deep in a hole and went back. When he went back the man said "He's back again, bring him away and he is not to get back this time". So Jack brought off the third giant and put him in a hole ten feet deep. Some man saw Jack burying the giants and he told a giant near by. The giant said he would flee because he might be killed. When jack was going back he met the giant and he struck him in the forehead with the spade "Begor" said Jack, "you wont get home before me this time". So he brought off the giant and buried him
  11. Connolly and the Cuckoo

    CBÉS 0876

    Page 388

    from Connolly's daughter. He had just started to cut a tree when he saw the giant coming so he climbed up a tree. The giant came and looked up at Jack. He hit him in the eyes with the curds and blinded him. He went home to his wife to et them out of his eyes. She told him to go back and invite Jack to dinner, he came and invited Jack and he returned with the giant. The giant's wife gave them a good dinner. Now said the giant if I am stronger than you I will kill you and if you are stronger than me you will kill me so the giant went down a hill to a well with a big barrell and filled it up with water. He gave it a kick and drove it up the hill up to the house. "O", "that is nothing" said Jack, "bring me a spade and I will bring it up to your door." The giant got afraid and ran home and Jack after him. The giant's wife said "give him another chance" "Alright" said Jack. The giant bought out a big weight and threw it half a mile. Jack got up a tree. The giant said "are you afraid" "No" said Jack "give me that weight." What are you going to do"? I am going to throw it over to my brother in England. The giant
  12. Stories of Giants and Warriors

    CBÉS 1108

    Page 148

    Stories of giants and warriors.
    Once upon a time there lived a giant in Ireland and there lived a giant in Scotland. This Scotch giant heard that there was a giant in Ireland and he wanted to fight him. He swam over to Ireland and came to the giant's castle and he started to fight with him. When the battle was ended the Irish giant turned on the Scotch giant and ran after him. The Scotch giant jumped into the water and swam away. The Irish giant lifted a mighty handful of soil and threw it after the Scotch giant. It went over the giant's head and landed out in the middle of the sea and
  13. A Giant Story

    CBÉS 0238

    Page 313

    A giant Story
    There once lived a big giant. He was very wicked. He used to kill people, and make them do his work by force. There lived a family man near his castle. There were three sons in this family. One day the giant brought off one of the men. He told him that if he was not able to eat as much as him in the evening he would kill him. The man worked all day hoping he would be able to eat as much as the giant in the evening. When evening came the man went to the castle. The giant had a pig pot of stirabout ready. They both began eating but the giant ate a lot more than the man. So the giant killed him. The next day the giant brought the second son and told him the same thing. In the evening the man came. The giant had the stirabout ready, the two began eating but the giant ate alot more than the man so he killed him. The next day he brought the third son. This fellow was clever than the rest. He had a leather bag inside his clothes. He knew that the giant would not be able to eat as much as him. He worked all day. In the evening he went to the castle. The giant had the stirabout ready. The both began eating. The man eat enough first
  14. The Giant's Quarry

    CBÉS 0378

    Page 165

    Long ago, there was a giant who lived about six miles from Fermoy. He was married and had many children. One day a hated traveller called at the giant's house. He was selling materials and laces. The giant was not at home at the time so the giant's wife bought some of the traveller's lace. When the giant returned, his wife showed him the lace and told him she had it from the traveller he hated. The giant was very angry and told his wife and children to leave the house. The giant hurled a huge rock after them. The rock killed his wife and children. Nothing was heard of the giant since that time.
  15. The Black Man

    CBÉS 0449

    Page 192

    eat him up. He said that he wanted to see the giant. When the giant was coming near him he threw him one of the cakes of bread. When the giant saw it he said "That's my sister's baking." The boy inquired if he knew anything about the black man's castle and the giant said, "No but that he had another brother and that he might know something about it." As before he threw the ball and followed it and it stopped at the gate of the second giant's castle. He met the servant boy at the door and he said to run away or that the giant would eat him up. He said that he wanted to see the giant. When the giant was coming near him he threw him the second cake and he said "Thats my sister's baking. He asked him did he know anything about the black man's castle.
    The giant said "No, but that he had another brother and that he ruled over the beasts of the earth and that if he did not know about it no one would know about it."
    Next morning he started again. He threw the ball. He followed it and it stopped at the third giant's castle. As before he met the servant. He told him as before to go
  16. Stories of Giants and Warriors

    CBÉS 0454

    Page 043

    Long ago a giant lived near Rathmore at a place called [?] arrigaline. He was a very huge giant. People say that it was this giant threw the stones from the top of the two paps. These stones are very big stones and signs of the five fingers are to be seen on them. Those giants used to fight against one another. Once upon a time a Scottish giant challenged the world to get a man to fight him. An Irish giant said he would fight him, and the Scottish giant came over to Ireland to fight the Irish giant. The Scottish giant was defeated and in his hurry to get away the Irish giant tore up a big portion of earth and hurled it after him, and it fell into the sea, and it formed Ireland. A large lake was formed where he tore up the earth.
    One upon a time a giant met a little tailor and
  17. The Dwarf and the Giant

    CBÉS 0493

    Page 197

    The dwarf and the Giant
    Long ago there lived in Ireland a dwarf. One fine morning he set out from his own home. After a time he came near a spot where he saw a giant and his three sons breaking stones. He went up on a crab-tree that was growing near by. He took a crab from one of the branches and struck the giant with it. The giant got angry and he told one of his sons that if he woudl do that again he would kill him. The dwarf took another crab and struck the giant with it. The giant stood up and taking a sledge that he used for the purpose of breaking stones, struck his oldest son on the forehead and killed him. The dwarf picked another crab and struck the giant with it. The giant stood up and killed his second son. The dwarf did the same again and the giant killed his third son. The dwarf took another crab and struck the giant with it
  18. Giants - Béaloideas

    CBÉS 0641

    Page 7

    Long ago there was a cruel giant who lived in a castle. in this castle there was a lot of gold. This giant was very cross. There was a little boy living near the giant and he made up his mind to get all the gold belonging to the giant. One day he came to the giant's castle and knocked there. When the giant heard this he ran to the door to see what was there. When the boy heard him coming to the door he ran behind the hedge of the castle. Outside this castle there was a big hole and when he would step outside the door he would fall into the deep hole. When the giant ran out he stepped into the deep hole and got killed. Then the boy ran in and got all the gold belonging to the giant and was rich for ever.
  19. Giants and Hags

    CBÉS 1036

    Page 274

    I have heard from the old people of this district about a giant who lived in Corraduffy. This giant is supposed to have been buried in a farmers field in Killian. Over his grave their there is a heap of stones which the people never touch.
    I have heard the following story about a certain giant who played a trick on another giant.
    Once upon a time two giants were going to have a great fight to see which of them was the stronger. When the appointed day came round one of the giants got afraid. This giant lay in a cradle and told his mother to begin rocking him, and when the giant would come to pretend that he was the baby. When the other giant came to fight, the mother of the giant that was afraid said that the giant would be home in a little while and for him to wait if he wished. But when he saw the size of the baby he thought that the giant was an awful
  20. Giants

    CBÉS 1106

    Page 163

    giant looking out of the door and he said to the giant that was standing on the top of the hill " I could fight you" and the other giant said "you could not" so the two of them started to fight and the giant that was standing at the door of the house killed the other one and that big giant never had any more trouble with giants after that he lived very quietly himself.
    A few years after that this big giant went up to the top of another hill called Binion hill and there was another big giant living there and he was very strong and crossand the two of them agreed very well till they got old and one day a man came into the wee house and asked the giant for a drink of water and the giant said to him "there is plenty of water in the well" and the man said to the giant "if you dont give