The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. Story - Jack the Tinker (Origin of Jack of the Lantern or Will o' the Wisp)

    CBÉS 0614

    Page 043

    pony and bring him in till he see him before he went. The death got stook to the pony's back and would not release him till he would promise him that it would be a thousand years before he could come again for him. The thousand years passed away and death called again and Jack pretended that he was sorry for asking for so long a period, namely, the thousand years. When death arrived Jack said he was anxious, but asked the death to go out to the gooseberry bush and bring in a few gooseberries that they would eat on the road. The death went out and got caught on the gooseberry bush and Jack would not release him unless the death promised him to give him another thousand years of life. Times rolled on, the thousand years came to an end, so death arrived on the appointed day and would take no excuse and would do nothing Jack would ask him. Jack then asked the death would he allow him to say three Hail Mary's before he would go, as it was a long time since he prayed. The death granted his requests and Jack refused to say them and Death could not bring him until he said the three Hail Mary's. Years passed by and this fine morning Jack was sitting on the side of the road and a young scholar came running along the road crying. Jack took pity on him and asked him what was wrong. The
  2. (no title)

    Long, long ago there lived a man who had a child that was not baptised and he went for some good man to stand for the child.

    CBÉS 0357

    Page 253

    if you give it a fair death." Death said to him; "You can cure people now but you cannot cure them if you see me at the top of the bed." This man heard that there was a princess sick and the man went to the house where the princess was sick and looked at the top of the bed. He saw death and got four people to turn her head down to the bottom of the bed. That night when he was coming home he met death and death got angry with him and said he would kill him. The man said, "I know you are very powerful," and he took a little bottle out his pocket and said "I bet you would not go in to that." Death took one jump into the bottle. The man put the cork on it and kept him in it for seven years after that and no person died for those seven years. After that the man got tired of keeping the bottle in his pocket and one day he stood up on a high cliff and threw it
  3. Old Prayer for a Happy Death

    CBÉS 0678

    Page 071

    May God give us a holy and timely death the death that St Joseph got between the hands of Jesus death without pain worry or sin.
  4. Superstitions in this School District

    CBÉS 1123

    Page 307

    of potatoes or in the ridge of corn. A part of drill without potatoes being set in it by accident is a sign of death as also the miss in the ridge of corn. Bad luck is supposed to come from the keeping of a
    stallion horse for service and the money so made is not considered lucky and the owner's family will die out.
    Dreams are a source of worry too to the people in this locality. To dream of a wedding or of priests robed for service or of a bishop robed or anything connected with church is a sign of death. People living along sea if they dream of a boat on dry land fear a death of their relatives. A [?] dream of a funeral is supposed to be a wedding in family and so on. A picture falling is a sign of death and to hear the church bell ringing when not ringing is a sign of death. A space in a funeral is not allowed as it denotes death. The clothes around the death bed should be removed before corpse leaves townland. If corpse does not stiffen another of the family is likely to follow in death. A rainbow having both ends in one townland is supposed to denote a death in that townland. Three corpses are supposed to leave the one townland inside space of a quarter.
  5. Signs of Approaching Death

    CBÉS 0221

    Page 514

    If there comes three knocks to the door or window, it is a sign of a death in the house. When the latch is raise it is a sign of a death.
    If the dog cries in the middle of the day it is a sign of death.
    If the sick person improves on a Sunday it is a sign of the death of the sick person.
    If you hear a hen crowing it is a sign of a death.
    If a swan flies over the house it is a sign of death.
    If the rainbow shines over a person's land it is a sign of a death.
    If a person has bees and they leave from the house it is a sign of a death.
    If there is a break in a funeral when it is going to the church it is a sign of another death in the family.
    If you hear a death clock ticking at night it is a sign of a death.
    If the crickets leave a house it is a sign of a death.
    If the crows begin to build around a house it is a sign of a death in that house.
  6. Death-Lore

    CBÉS 0116

    Page 233

    When a crow lies on a persons shoulder it is the sign of a death in the house. If crying is heard around a house at night it is the sign of a death in the village. If a funeral is scattered it is the sign of another death in the village. When a frog comes in the door it is a sign of death in the house. When the priest is anointing a person if the wool and cotton goes up in a blaze it is a sure sign that the person is going to live. When a number of rats are seen in the house one of the family is going to (?). When the farmer leaves a ridge of potatoes the length of a coffin it is the sign of a death in the family. When four mags are seen flying together a death will occur in the village. When a crowd of crows are seen flying on a church is the sign of a funeral. When a wisp is caught on to hens tail it is a sign of a death in the family. If there a person such in the house and if the dog crys at night that person is going to die soon.
  7. A Funny Story

    CBÉS 0137

    Page 273

    was struggling there calling to Tom to release him, and he would never bother him again so Tom released him and he went away.
    About a hundred years after Death visited Tom again, as he was sitting in his castle one night Death tipped him again, and Tom told him he would be with him when the candle he held in his hand would be burned and before the candle was burned out Tom quenched it and buried it, and after a few years, Death got it and burned it and then it was time for Tom to die, and Death visited him again. Tom said he would be ready to go with Death if he would give him time to say three “Hail Mary’s” to make up to God for all the wrong he had done and Death gave him time, but they were the prayers Tom never said, so Death
  8. Death-Lore

    CBÉS 0116

    Page 172

    Death Lore
    1) If there is a wisp hanging from the hen's tail it is a sign of a death.
    2) A line of crows standing on a church is a sign of a death.
    3) A bell in ones ear is a sign of death.
    4) A hen crowing in the evening is a sign of death.
    5) If anyone miss a ridge in the field without putting seed in it is a sign of death.
    6) If you fall in the graveyard it is a sign of death.
    7) If you touch the priests garments when he is vexed it is a sign of death.
    8) A dog crying in the night is a sign of death.
    9) If a coffin is brought into the house the wrong way and has to be turned inside it is a sure sign of death.
    10) If a corpse remains warm after two hours is a sign of another death.
  9. Paddy Makes a Compact with Death

    CBÉS 0178

    Page 423

    no hope, and in this frame of mind he met Pat for the first time. Pat pitied him and his pity increased when he saw the beauty of the daughter and heard how anxious she was to live. Pat was however, non pleased for there he beheld Death sitting at the head of the bed. No hope for Father or Daughter. It was hard to pronounce- very hard. Pat touched the bottle of elixir in his pocket. The fathers grief did not surprise him. ''If he could only cure her and make her his wife - thus ran the temptation.
    Pat was always quick- witted and resourceful. He got a chair and sat near the bed opposite Death. Death looked tired and soon began to nod. During one of these naps Pat caught up the patient, turned her quickly around and put her feet towards nodding Death. He than pronounced her of immediate and complete recovery. He gave her of the elixir of life and her disease vanished.
    Pat's jocose action, however had put him in the soup. He had played sucks and drakes with Death's compact, their understanding was at an end, and Death duly warned him that his own race was almost run. Pat pleaded excuse but Death was unyielding. Than Pat said '' Surely after our long friendship and fond relations you will give me time to prepare myself by prayer for the great unknown. The most Death would concede was just
  10. Death-Lore

    CBÉS 0116

    Page 169

    If there is a wisp hanging from the hen's tail it is a sign of death
    A line of crows standing on a church is a sign of death
    A Bell in ones ear is a sign of death
    A hen crowing in the evening is a sign of death.
    If anyone misses a ridge in a field without putting seed in it it is a sign of a death.
    If you fall in a graveyard it is a sign of death
    If you touch the priests garment when he is vexed it is a sign of a death.
    A dog crying in the night is a sign of a death.
    If a coffin is brought in the wrong way to a house and has to be turned inside it is a sure sign of a death
    If a corpse remains warm after two hours is a sign of another death.
    The clock must be stopped when the corpse is in the house.
  11. A Story

    CBÉS 0749

    Page 028

    the boy could make the sick better again. He also said that when he came into a sick man's room death would always be there and show himself to him and that if he sat at the foot of the bed he would be able to cure the sick man with a drink from the keg. But if he sat at the top of the bed there was no cure for then the sick belonged to death.
    Well. the boy soon grew famous and was called far and near. When he came to the sick and saw how death [soon] he foretold life or death. At last he was called in to see a king's daughter who was so dangerously ill that no doctor could cure her. When the boy came to see the princess, death was sitting at the pillow, and as he sat he dosed and nodded. But the king said that the boy must save the princess. So the boy looked at death and while he sat there and dosed he made a sign to the
  12. Signs of Death - Pisreoga about Wakes and Funerals

    CBÉS 0102

    Page 141

    Signs of Death. Pisreoga about Wakes & Funerals.
    The old people who are now dead had several customs and pisreoga connected with death. A tick in the wall was a sign of death. This tick was called the "Death watch". The old people used to say that a sure sign of death was to see a sick person throwing the clothes down off him.
    When a dog was heard crying in the night time it was a death warning to any sick person in the village. The crying of the banshee was a death warning.
    An image called "Colann gan Ceann" used to be seen, and the person who saw it, died soon after. To hear a hen crowing is also a sign of death. If a leather bat took a rib out of a persons head when flying over him, that person would die soon after.
    It is not right to throw out dust or ashes in a house where there is a corpse. When a person dies in a house, it is right to stop the clock. People should wash all the clothes in the bed or in the room where a corpse was. Even toilet covers, the table-cloths, etc. should be at least wet. When the woman of the house is hanging out the clothes to dry, two of the neighbouring woman should accompany her.
  13. Superstitions

    CBÉS 0993

    Page 147

    If a corpse is limber it is a sure sign of another death in that family before long. For a frog to enter a house at night is a sign of an approaching death.
    To hear the dead or death watch ticking in a house signifies a death.
    When setting potatoes or oats for a patch to be missed was a sign of a death in the family.
    In some families to hear the "ban-shee" signified death or to see it.
    When the dog cries at night the angel of death is at hand.
    If the lamp falls of the wall at night is a sign of a death.
  14. Superstitions in this School District

    CBÉS 1123

    Page 306

    of death. A cricket coming to a house where there have not been any denotes death. This cricket leaves after the death. If the cricket stays it is a lucky sign.
    The cock's crowing after sunset is heard with grave alarm as a sign of death especially if early in the night. Sometimes people kill the cock only to find that the crowing is taken up by a hen which is a much worse omen. A hen crows before a person about to meet with a sudden death or death by accident. Two women from district were going to the shore for a cnuasach and as they were leaving street a hen crew before them, and they were both drowned.
    A wren coming into a house is sign of death. The robin comes in to herald news generally of a hopeful nature. To meet a pig is considered unlucky if it is first thing met in morning.
    To keep tame pigeons is considered unlucky. To keep a white tame rabbit is unlucky and a hare coming about a house is not good.
    It is said if hare ran before pregnant woman child will have a hare lip. A raven appearing or croaking near a house is a sign of death. The crops too are kept under observation lest any "miss" is to be found in a drill.
  15. Superstitions Regarding Approaching Deaths in the Family or Townland

    CBÉS 1026

    Page 134

    1. A beansidhe is heard before the death of a person, with ‘o’ or ‘mac’ before the name.
    2. If a door bursts suddenly open on a calm day it is the warning of a death
    3. A death follows if a robin enters the dwelling house
    4. A picture falling from a wall foretells a death.

    5. If the lamp goes out at Hallow Eve or Xmas without some obvious reason people believe there will be a death in the family.
    6. If crickets sing sharply all night with out stopping a death follows soon
    7. If a flock of crows light in a field near the house on three days in succession there will be a death in the district.
    8. A cock crows three times at midnight for a death in the townland.
    9. A dog crying foretells a death.
    10. Knocks sometimes come to the door when a person is about to die
  16. An Old Story

    CBÉS 0014

    Page 088

    Once upon a time there was a man going round by the name of "Death" that was the devil and he wanted to kill a certain man for talking badly about him and this is how he did it. "Death" was a man that could not be tricked, and there was nothing done by this man unknown to the devil. The man was nearly all the time praying and at last the devil got vexed when he saw that he took no notice of him. He came to the man's house one night before he started praying and said he would kill him if he heard him say another prayer and the man said he would say no more prayers. The next day the man fell very ill and he sent for the priest and before he arrived "Death" appeared and sat at the foot of the bed but said nothing. Then when the priest came he anointed him and told him to pray. The man told him that the devil would kill him if he prayed and he said don't mind him, that is a lie. Then after great coaxing, he said one Our Father and when he had finished he killed the priest with a magic wand. He then said I'll give you another chance youngster, but only one and he promised him he would say no more and the devil went away happy. In a months time the man then was all right and he began working as usual. He did not say a prayer or receive or go to communion for nine months and after that he forgot all about "Death" but he "Death" did not forget him. The man was walking with himself for three days and saw no body, and the first one he met was
  17. Ainmhithe Allta

    CBÉS 0040

    Page 0036

    the death of the head of the house.
  18. Pisreogaí

    CBÉS 0041

    Page 037

    When there is a wish after a hen you are going to hear of a death.
  19. Pishogues

    CBÉS 0092H

    Page 11_037

    two hens fighting in the street it would be the sign of a death.
  20. Old Prayers

    CBÉS 0114

    Page 133

    death. I offer all my actions, sufferings, and sorrows in reparation to thy greater honour and glory. I besceech [?] thee to preserve me from falling into sin this day. My Jesus have mercy on me. Holy Mary help me in time of temptation and at the hour of my death help me to die a happy death by your powerful intercession in Heaven.