The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0534

    Page 338

    Local Cures.
    In the olden times there were no such things as medical physicians. When a person was ill the old people had cures of their own. They were good cures too as the people lived to die of old age.
    Some of the old cures were:- Dandeline was a cure for warts, turf was a cure for asthma, nettles was a
  2. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0539

    Page 134

    There were many old cures in the old days and the following are some - soap and sugar for drawing boils, Gillea boiled in new milk, strained and drunk as a cure for kidney disease. The old people used build small houses made of flags. There was a fire in these houses to hear the flags. When they were heated the fire would be removed. People who suffered from pains would go into these houses and the heat would make them swear. There was one of these in Boolatten near Tour.
  3. Weather-Lore

    CBÉS 0673

    Page 164

    1. Sometimes we get very valuable information from the old people regarding the weather, old cures and other useful knowledge. It stands to reason also that those old people should all know about weather signs as in those days there were no barometers or such instrument and therefore the had to go by the weather signs.
    2. Questioning my grandmother the other evening about those weather signs I found out that she knew some probably which she heard when young. Those are the signs of rain which I collected.
  4. Old Cures

    CBÉS 0751

    Page 176

    There were many old cures which were made use of in the olden times. Those curesare perfect and some of them are still carried out in the country. The cure for cuts is when the flesh gets cut, go to the corner of an outdoor house or an outhouse and up near the roof you will get a cobweb place the cobweb on the cut and leave it there until you see a skin coming on the cut, then remove the cobweb. There was an old woman that lived in Lara about two hundred years ago and she went by the name of Molla McGrath. When a person had warts he or she would go to her. She would examine the and then give the person a penny. She would tell the person to keep the until the warts would fall off and give the penny to a poor person. When Mollo died there was a great crowd at her wake. In of an old room one of the people spied a square box
  5. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0755

    Page 097

    On the last day of April which is known as May Eve, the people used to go to a running stream and fill bottles of water. The old people say that there are cures for any complaint in this water - such as ringworm, warts on the hand and pimples. On the morning of May day, before the sun would come round, when the dew would be on the grass the people would go out and wash their feet & faces with the dew. It is said the nobody who did this would ever take any disease during the whole year. Another old custom is to eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday because the old people always held a feast in that night. On Hallow eve night the old people always made rasp - loaves and dumplings and they used always leave a bowl of milk in front of the fire, because they said that the
  6. (no title)

    There are a lot of Old Cures and old people think themselves as good as doctors.

    CBÉS 0775

    Page 158

    There are a lot of old cures and old people think themselves as good as doctors. There was an old man in Ballyteague and he used to make up bottles, his name was John Moore.
    There is a cure for warts, rub a snail on them and stick him on a thorny bush, and when he withers away the warts will go away. Forge water would cure warts also.
  7. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0789

    Page 70

    There are many old cures which are used still. But doctors nowaday are doing away with them for they are able to make cures which will keep people alive longer than they would, if there were no doctors.
    There are many sicknesses which are cured by water from wells. There is a well in the well-meadow Swords where people with sore-eyes have visited and by washing their eyes in it have been cured.
    The people in the east of Ireland do not use the old cures they use the doctor's cures. Some of the people in the west use the old cures still.
  8. An Old Cemetery

    CBÉS 0816

    Page 371

    in Banagher. It belonged to Saint Rynagh. There is also another old Cemetery situated about two and a half mile from Banagher known as All Saints. It is about hundred years old. IT covers about two and a half acers of land. There are about one hundred people still to be buried in it around Garbally and Lusmagh. There is one special head stone in the Cemetery to the memory of a man named Tiquin and he was a Fenian and he died for the tithes cause. There are also seven wells related to All Saints. There are many cures in the wells. There is an old church in
  9. The Roiligín Field

    CBÉS 0906

    Page 004

    lies in the centre of this angular end. This particular hollow used to be the one time situation of a slanted tree which alone marked the location of the former church. The old people of 50 years back used pray at this tree and if they happened to have any ailments such as sore eyes, running sores, rheumatic bones etc they rubbed a few of the leaves of this tree over the affected parts, and many cures were reported. These people used hang relics of their visit such as, a medal, a beads a cross or even pieces of rag on the branches of the old tree. In course of time a new owner came to the land in which this tree stood. He was of a different religion and fearing his sheep might comes to harm from eating the pieces of material off the tree (it was not enclosed) decided to knock it, as being a useless ornament. In vain did the old people remonstrate, speaking of the ill luck that was bound
  10. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0484

    Page 043

    Local Cures
    (Another version)
    I wonder do many of the old time cures still exist. In times of sickness does our people disregard them. Do they no longer believe in the cures which the old people used. Apparently not, judging by the large number of people who have recourse to doctors drugs. perhaps we of the present generation are too up to date to believe in the old-fashioned cures. Yet there are many old people to-day who will tell you how wonderful those cures were. Yes they often succeeded where doctors failed. I will just describe to you a few of them.
    Caraway seeds were used to relieving flatulence and stomach disorders and children's ailments
    The bogbean was very valuable for rheumatism and skin diseases
    Blackberry leaves were used for diarrhoea and dysentery.
  11. Cures for Cuts

    CBÉS 0524

    Page 007

    The people in the olden times never went to any chemist for cures
    1. The old people said if you got a cut put a cobweb to it and it was to cure it
    2. Another one of the old cures was to put hot water to the cut and it was to keep it from festering
    3. The old people said to put paraffin oil to a clean cut and it was to keep it from festering
    4. Mud off the road is a good cure for cuts
    5. Coal dust is one of the old cures for cuts
    6. Slaunless is a good cure for cuts when it is bandaged to a clean cut.
  12. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0753

    Page 034

    All the old people had a lot of old cures. There were twice as good as the doctor's. If any one wanted to be cured of anything ask the old people. So here are a lot of cures now which the old people used to practise.
    If you sprained your foot or your arm rub goose grease. It is as good as imbrocalion.
    If a horse bite you it won't be cured unless you shoot him.
    If you have a hiccup take salt or take nine drops of water and dont talk for five minutes.
    If you have a sore hand get a dog to lick it and he will cure it.
    If a dog bite you get the same dog to lick it.
  13. Old Cures

    CBÉS 0016

    Page 308

    The old people of long ago were very skillful as regards the use of herbs and plants as cures for diseases of all descriptions.
    Several of these cures were worked by charm. There were old men and women in this district Ballyglass and these alone had power to work it. An old man in my district was gifted with the charm for curing violent headaches. He used to do three different directions with a thread made of toe (the waste of flax). This he did on Monday's and Thursdays and on the following Monday again and said certain prayers on each occassion. The wearer kept the string on for a few days until gradually the pain disappeared.
    It is also supposed that the touch of the hand of the seventh son of a family cured boils and ringworm.
    It is also said that all sorts of sprains or dislocations on the limbs were cured by charm tying them with flax threads and saying certain prayers.
  14. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0047

    Page 0324

    Long ago the old people used to have cures of their own for soares. Some of the old people living now have cures too. Some of the cures I know that they had are, if any person have a cut they would get moss and they would put it to it. It is a good cure. They would put a dock-lead to a burn of a nettle. A cob-web is supposed to stop the blood in a cut. To rub a prog to a person's neck is a good cure if they had a sore throat. They say that the seventh son of the seventh son would cure ring worms. A foxe's tongue is supposed to be good for taking out a thorn from a person's foot. To go out under a white horse three times is a cure for the thin-cough. It is a good cure to let a dog lick a sore.
  15. Priest's Horse Cured by Charms

    CBÉS 0137F

    Page 02_032

    In the olden times there was an old woman who had charms and cures. The priest who lived in the same place was against her. One day this priest was going on a sick call on horse back. When he was going along a certain place on the road his horse fell under him and he could not rise. A few men came to him and they mentioned about this old woman who had the charms. At first the priest would not hear tell of her. But at last he told them to go for her. So she came and she spat on the horse three times and then told the priest to strike the horse with his gown. So the horse rose up and the priest jumped into the saddle and went off.
  16. Lore of Certain Days

    CBÉS 0171

    Page 063

    It was said by the old people that, he who wanted to do anything for his health should start on a Monday. The person who wants to get money (should) should start off on a Thursday for it is the day of wealth. The old people say, (if) he who wants to have good luck must start on a Wednesday or Friday. Anything is (you did) done on a Thursday, the good of it is sure to be lost but on a Saturday a person would have no luck at all. It is said that the thirteenth of the month is an unlucky day. Most of the cures for bad ailments are made on Tuesdays and Fridays. it is also said that people used to start their work on Mondays and Fridays such as ploughing and sowing oats.
  17. Story

    CBÉS 0178

    Page 173

    Long ago there was a great deal of old cures that the old people believed in and do at the present time. The ring worm for instance which cannot be cured by a doctor can be cured only by the one cure for the ring worm and that is the seventh son without a daughter between them. A Grandfather of mine has the cure of the ring worm and he cured about sixty people for the last years. The days for the cure are Monday and Thursday. There is another woman who lives in Branchfield and she has the cure of the head fever. She has cured many people and her name is Miss Anne O' Hara. The are many other local cures as well as the two cures I have mentioned.
  18. Cures

    CBÉS 0195

    Page 239

    An old woman named Margaret Mcuinness who lived in Kiltyclogher townland and parish of Clooneclare had the cure of the "Heart Fever." I suppose this is probably a local name for Palpitation.
    Old Margaret used to say many prayers in the preparation of the cure which was made in the following way. The patient used to bring the full of a cup of oatmeal and a certain amount of unsalted butter and Margaret used to mix both together to the accompanment of several prayers. The patient then brought home the cup and its contents which he or she kept in their room, change to say the mixture used to gradually disappear from the cup and by the time the cure was complete the vessel was empty. How the mysterious disappearance was effected I am not able to say.
    There were different cures for "jaundicee" also accompanied by prayers. An old man named Patrick McGovern from Ballaghmeehan parish used to gather herbs before sunrise and after sunset, and while engaged in this task he could not speak to anybody. These herbs were pulped into a sort of paste mixed with fresh butter and
  19. Belief in Fairies

    Near a house in Ballaghameehan was an old fort and the people of the house were accustomed to throw ashes ect into it.

    CBÉS 0197

    Page 211

    Near a house in Ballaghameehan was an old fort and the people of the house were accustomed to throw ashes etc into it. They had one child, and great was their distress when she got a sore ear and began to pine away. They tried all sorts of cures, but none did any good till one day a little old woman came in, and told them she would cure the child on one condition. She made them promise not to throw anymore ashes into the fort, and then she took a thorn about an inch long out of the child's ear and in a short time she was all right again.
  20. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0205

    Page 238

    Long ago the old people had old cures and when anyone was sick they used to cure themselves. They used not send for any doctors like we do now. The doctors were not so plentiful then as they are now. They had these old cures so follow
    1. If you sting yourself with nettles the rheumatic is cured
    2. If you had a foul mouth and get a boy the seventh son in a family that did not see his father and blow his breath on it and it is cured.
    3. If you point a gooseberry thorn seven times at a sty on your eye and then throw it across your shoulder it will get well.
    4. If you have a sore