The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 1086

    Page 175

    Christmas :- Before Christmas young boys to around the houses, saying rhymes, singing and collected money, disguised as "mummers". A Christmas pudding is always baked for Christmas Day. Boys and girls generally pull crackers on Christmas Day. At Christmas all the houses are decorated with holly, ribbons, balloons and Christmas decorations. In some churches midnight mass is said in honour of Our Lord's birth at the hour. The old people like to see snow at Christmas, as they say "A green Christmas makes a fat Churchyard"
  2. Customs, Beliefs and Superstitions of the Different Festivals

    CBÉS 1114

    Page 287

    A green Christmas makes a full graveyard. A white Christmas, a lean graveyard. A green Christmas indicates a white Easter. A warm Christmas, a cold Easter. Easter in snow, Christmas in mud. Christmas in snow, Easter in mud. Influence on crops. If windy on Christmas Day, trees will bring much fruit. If it snows on Christmas Night, a good crop next year. "Wet causes more damage before than after Christmas". If ice bears a man before Christmas it will not bear a mouse afterwards. If the sun shines clear and bright on Christmas Day, there will be a New Year
  3. Christmas Customs

    CBÉS 0131C

    Page 02_062

    Christmas comes once every year. Christmas is celebrated in honour of the birth of Our Lord. Christmas is in it from the twenty fifth of December to the sixth of January. The people have great sport at Christmas. The children hand up their stockings on Christmas night and in the morning they are filled with all sort of sweets, oranges, apples and toys. On Christmas night the Christmas candle is left lighted all the night so that tramps
  4. Féilí na Bliana i gContae Luimnigh - Christmas Day

    CBÉS 0511

    Page 331

    Christmas day is on the 25th of December. A great feast is always held on Christmas. Churches are very nice nice at Christmas. It is called Christmas because Our Lord was born. There is a crib in every Church. The crib comes to the church a couple of days before Christmas, and it is taken Little Christmas day. People always visit the church at Christmas to see the crib. The
  5. Christmas Customs

    CBÉS 0831

    Page 194

    Christmas is a time which brings great cheer, and people exchange greetings with each other. At Christmas the houses are decorated with holly and mistletoe. People are very busy before Christmas writing letters and Christmas cards to their friends in America and other countries. At Christmas children hang their stockings in the chimney and Santa Claus fills them with toys and sweets. The people go to visit and have parties and dance and sing songs. On St. Stephen's Day young boys dress up and go around playing music and dancing. These boys are called "Wren boys". Most people kill a turkey or goose for dinner Christmas Day. Christmas cakes and plum puddings are also cooked for Christmas. The shop windows are decorated before Christmas and shopkeepers give presents to their customers.
  6. Christmas V

    CBÉS 0096

    Page 653

    If the flood rises on Christmas Night the Christmas and early spring will be wet.
  7. The Feast-Day of Christmas

    CBÉS 0096

    Page 683

    Christmas is the feast of Christ the king. There are many old stories told about Christmas. People leave their door opened Christmas night so that the Blessed Virgin and Jesus Christ would go in. Our Lord was born on Christmas day in a stable at Bethlehem. There is an old saying about Christmas. Christmas is coming and the geese
  8. Lore Connected with Christmas

    CBÉS 0665

    Page 183

    depart between Christmas Day and Little Christmas Day go straight to heaven.
  9. Christmas Customs

    CBÉS 0674

    Page 294

    1. Christmas is one of the bigest feast day of the year. It is the feast and birth of our Lord. It falls on the 25th of December every year.
    2. There is a lot of custom connected with Christmas. This is one custom. Long ago a man named St. Nickoles used to go round every Christmas eve night putting toys in all the young children stockings, The young children believe still that Santa Claus goes round puting toys in the children stocking.
    3. Long ago the people used to be watching Christmas more than now-a-days. They People used only to drink tea on Christmas night. Now the people drink tea every night, so they dont be watching christmas so much.
    4. This is a custom connected with Christmas. All the people make a Christmas pudding. They don't cut it till Christmas day. They say it is unlucky to cut the pudding before Christmas day. If the pudding breaks when they are boiling it they say they would be dead before next Christmas.
    5. At Christmas if you meet anyone they would greed you with "a Happy Christmas and a bright New year.
    6. It is true to say that at Christmas everyone
  10. Christmas Customs

    CBÉS 0831

    Page 193

    Christmas is the greatest feast day of the year. Many old customs are connected with Christmas Everyone sends Christmas Cards or gifts to their friends. The plum pudding is made, and the people do extra shopping at Christmas.
    The house is decorated with holly and ivy on Christmas Eve. A turkey or goose is prepared for the Christmas dinner. Christmas Children go to bed early on Christmas Eve, leaving their stockings either on the foot of the ed or hanging in the chimney, as Santa Claus comes during the night to fill them with presents.
    On Christmas morning the Christmas candle is lighted and as we go on our way to Mass we hear everyone wishing each other a "happy Christmas"
    "Christmas comes but once a year"
    "And when is comes it brings good cheer"
  11. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0904

    Page 065

    It is always on the same date but it is not always on the same day. People decorate their houses with holly and mistletoe and they also send presents to one another. On Christmas day we do have barm-bracks and for the Christmas dinner we do have a roatsr turkey and when the people meet on Christmas Day they would say "A Happy Christmas and the other would say "the same to you We do have three Masses on Christmas Day in honour of Our "Lord Jesus Christ" because he was born in a stable at Bethlehem on Christmas.
  12. Christmas Eve in My District

    CBÉS 1019

    Page 231

    A very ancient custom in my district is the decoration of the house with holly, mistletoe and ever-greens in preparation for this great feast which is about to come. Another of the local customs is to send Christmas cards from one to another in honour of Christmas. People also send parcels at Christmas to their friends. These are called Christmas boxes. These generally arrive on Christmas eve.
    Another of the local ancient customs is when people meet on Christmas eve they wish one and other "a happy Christmas and a bright and prosperous new year" the answer to this is "the same to you and many of them." All children have a long watch out for Christmas eve night for on this night Santa Claus comes and puts toys and presents in their stockings.
    Another very ancient custom in this locality is to keep a turf fire burning on Christmas eve night and on Christmas night, also to cook the Christmas dinner on a turf fire if possible. On Christmas eve night when the people of each house are going to bed they do not rake the fire as they generally do for it is said Our Blessed Mother visits every house in seek of refuge.
    There is a cup of spring water left on the table in case our Blessed Lady would want a drink. The door is not locked either and the house is left spotless with a chair opposite the fire. The lamp is not
  13. Christmas in Ireland

    CBÉS 0347

    Page 089

    The festive season of Christmas is fast approaching. It is a very important festival as the Church gives the permission to give Mass on Christmas at midnight and to fast and abstain during Advent which precedes Christmas.
    Christmas is looked forward to by young and old, rich and poor. Everyone likes to come home for Christmas if it is at all possible. It is a time of rejoicing, homecomings and reunions. The young children look especially to Christmas more than any other one because Santa Claus fills their Christmas stockings with presents.
    In Ireland more than any other country there are many customs to be observed. The house is decorated with holly and ivy and different coloured papers. The Christmas candle is lit by a girl named Mary in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Cork the shopkeepers are very busy during Christmas. The country - folk and the city - folk are very busy doing their Christmas and they buy many provisions for Christmas dinner.
    Up to this the year the mail was run on
  14. Festival Customs - Christmas Day

    CBÉS 0775

    Page 286

    Christmas Day
    There are Services in every Church on Christmas Day. People do not pay visits on Christmas Day. How Christmas got it name because Christ was born on Christmas Day. Christmas Day is on the 25th of December. People decorate the Church with holly Christmas roses chrysanthemums. Christmas Day is a holiday for everyone. People have a lovely dinner on Christmas Day.
    Bunty Gray
  15. Customs and Manners of Christmas

    CBÉS 0468

    Page 285

    Customs and Manners of Christmas. The people of olden times, when Christmas used come, no matter how poor the people were they tried to honour Christmas the best way they could. They used always kill a calf for Christmas day and some of them used have a goose roasted Christmas day. When they used get out of bed Christmas morning they used take three drinks of water and bless themselves after each drink before breakfast, this was a cure for any sudden pain they used get for the rest of the year, there was another custom following it they used keep a piece of the Christmas candle that used be lighting in the kitchen and if they got the pain they used take three drinks and bless themselves as before and they used light the candle and they used make the sign of the cross on themselves
  16. Christmas Customs

    CBÉS 0824

    Page 144

    One of the biggest feasts that comes during the year is Christmas. It is a very happy time and everyone likes it.The people decorate their houses with holly.Cards are sent by the people, greeting each other,Christmas cards and new year cards. When people meet at Christmas they say,"I wish you a happy Christmas,and a bright new year", Candles are lit each night during the twelve nights of Christmas.Boys go round with wren on Saint Stephen's day.They catch the wren the night before.They put a vizard on them and they get money from the people
  17. Christmas Customs

    CBÉS 0108

    Page 008

    There are not as many customs practised on Christmas night nowadays as were practised in the olden days. On Christmas night most people leave the outer door open and they also leave a lighted candle on each window of the house. At Christmas time almost everybody cleans their chimneys and most children believe that they are being cleaned for "Santa Clause" to pass through them easily. On Christmas night very few people go visiting to a neighbour's house and anyone that goes waits until he thinks they have their Christmas supper eaten. When anybody comes into the house on Christmas Eve or Christmas day the people of the house usually give them some sort of drink.
    The day following Christmas day is St. Stephen's and on that day most of the boys of about between the ages of seven years to sixteen years go about from house to house playing music and dancing. The flute is the most instrument they use.
    Long ago they used to go out in crowds, one or more playing the violin or melodion and the rest dancing but now they go in pairs and when they go home they divide the money which they have gathered evenly between them.
  18. Festivals and Customs

    CBÉS 0547

    Page 271

    turkey or goose - without which no Christmas dinner would be looked on as a good one - is cleaned and prepared for the oven. On the evening before Christmas any members of the family who may be working in Dublin or else-where return home, and there is great joy in every house. On Christmas morning as many as possible go to first mass and Holy Communion, and on the road outside after mass we wish one another a "Happy Christmas."
    There is an old custom also in the district that is that most people remain in their own houses on Christmas Day and Night, When a man enters his neighbour's house on the day after Christmas or in fact on any day during the "twelve days" he is certain to be treated to a glass of whiskey or wine. Some of us send and get Christmas Cards. Another every noted thing in the district is the generous spirit which everyone seems to have during Christmas and those who have them send turkeys or geese, or other good things to those who have not got them of their own.
    Stephen's Day. This day also is kept locally as a sort of holiday, and few people do any work except what they must do. Some of the small boys "go with the wren" ; and some
  19. The Feast of Christmas

    CBÉS 0705

    Page 378

    "Christmas comes but once a year and when it comes it brings good cheer."
    "Christmas is coming and the geese are getting fat. Please put a penny in the poor man's hat."
    The feast of Christmas occurs on the twenty fifth of December. The word Christmas means the coming of Christ. Christmas is a very busy time for housewives. First of all they go to the nearest town and buy lots of goodly things for the feast. Then a plum pudding is made and the house is prepared. It is decorated with holly and ivy. They yard is swept and cleaned and everything is made ready for the feast. A turkey is killed and prepared for dinner on Christmas day. On Christmas eve lighted candles are put in all the windows of the houses to give light to Jesus Christ. It is believed that all the farm animals go down on their knees at midnight on that night. The young people gather together and blow bugles on that night. Usually there are three Masses said in every Catholic Church on Christmas
  20. Festival Customs

    CBÉS 0751

    Page 484

    Christmas Day
    Christmas is a very enjoyable time of the year. The people are always very busy preparing for it. About a fortnight beforehand they whitewash the walls, and a few days before Christmas they decorate the walls with holly and ivy. They also hang up Christmas decorations. A couple of days before Christmas my mother makes a plum-pudding, and cakes and other kinds of puddings. Then there is midnight Mass on Christmas Eve and all the people attend it.
    The children go to bed early and hang up their stockings on the end of their beds for Santa Clause to put presents into them. Next morning they awake very early and jump up to see what they have in their stockings. On Christmas Day they keep playing with their toys. The dinner is very late on Christmas Day as my mother has