The Main Manuscript Collection

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  1. (no title)

    There was a woman buried in a vault in Killurin named Mrs. Beaty.

    CBÉ 0221

    off her and sell them. So this night he went ta the vault and opened it and saw the hand whit the three rings sparkling on one of the fingers. He started ta take off the rings, and he got two of them off easily enough. The finger had swelled a little so he couldn't get off the last ring, and it was the most valuable ring she had. So he didn't know what to do. At last (he?) took out his knife and he started ta cut the finger. The very instant he put the knife ta the finger, the woman jumped up, and the footman got an awful fright. He ran out of the vault and away for his life, leaving all the rings behind him. Mrs. Beaty got out of the vault with the habit on her and went home ta her own house a distance of about two and a half miles.
  2. (no title)

    This is a song that was composed by a local poet...

    CBÉ 0220

    to bed.
    Some friends passing by hauled him out of the river,
    And sent for a botch doctor his sickness to cure
    And swore that poor Pat was a bad Billy diver
    As now he lay dead as a nail in a "dure."
    They gathered the old local jury to try him
    But Pat not half liking them like his ould wife
    Kept groaning and grunting the while they stood round him
    And came whit it suited him right back to life.
    Arrah fellas agrah will ye give over your tazing (teasing)
    I'm as lively as a bee and am able to say boo
    Be quiet you ould sgraipt and keep