The Main Manuscript Collection

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  1. In Memoriam

    CBÉ 0485

    Lines on the tragic death of the Rev James Kelly,
    Rector of St. Agnes' Church. Paterson N. J., who in
    a storm on the morning of the 17th December 1908.
    was swept overboard from the Arabic, in crossing
    the Atlantic, to spend Christmas with his
    friends in Sligo - by a former school Companion
    Timothy .J. Hurley, born at Corluck, [?],
    who, (in his Youth) attended Kilcrown[?], h. School.
    Ballymoe. Co Galway.
    Oh! cruel, murm'ring, hollow-sounding sea!
    How can'st thou dare to lift thy chafing wave,
    And sobbing low, in feinted sympathy,
    Presume to chant a dirge around his grave,
    Who plucked from out my bleeding breast,
    And stole upon thy stormy crest
    The jewel of my soul.
  2. Sonnet Sequence on the Shepherds at the Crib

    CBÉ 0485

    Our hearts within our breasts shall leap for joy;
    In contemplation rapt our souls shall soar,
    And gleaming light dispel our sore annoy.
    All things on earth shall join to welcome thee;
    Worldliness a while from toil shall cease
    To listen to thy heavenly harmony.
    And to thy promise of a lasting peace!
    In thee is wrought the mystery of grace,
    In thee the Saviour's birth hath taken place.
    On Their Return They Are asked what They saw.
    Shepherds! Whom have ye seen? Do tell us, and announce who hath appeared on the earth?
    - Office of Christmas Day.
    O Shepherd, tell us why you left your sheep,
    Unguarded and unattended on the plain?
    Why hurried ye o'er mountain and the steep
    With eager joy your breasts could scarce contain?
  3. Sonnet Sequence on the Shepherds at the Crib

    CBÉ 0485

    Oh, tell us the vision that ye saw,
    And tell us what the beauteous Angel said;
    In faithful words his likeness for us draw,
    And the host of singing Angels which he led.
    Ye came to Bethlehem! What saw ye there?
    Could ye discern thro' the gloomy night,
    The royal features of King David's heir?
    What king the aged man and Maiden bright?
    O Shepherds, we beseech ye don't refuse
    To thrill our hearts by telling us all the news.
    III. They tell of the Apparition of the Angels, and of the Angelic Song.
    We have seen choirs of Angels praising the Lord.
    Office of Christmas Day.
    At dead of night, when earth was sunk in sleep,
    Praying and thinking on the open plain,
    The while we kept the watches o'er our sheep,
    An Angel with a brightly gleaming train