Scoil: Doire an Daimh (Derrindaffe) (uimhir rolla 10976)
- Suíomh:
- Doire an Daimh, Co. Chiarraí
- Múinteoir: Mícheál Ó Foghludha

Tagairt chartlainne
Bailiúchán na Scol, Imleabhar 0410C, Leathanach 19_026
Íomhá agus sonraí © Cnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann, UCD.
Féach sonraí cóipchirt.
ÍoslódáilSonraí oscailte
Ar fáil faoin gceadúnas Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Nóta: Ní fada go mbeidh Comhéadan Feidhmchláir XML dú dímholta agus API úrnua cuimsitheach JSON ar fáil. Coimeád súil ar an suíomh seo le haghaidh breis eolais.
Ar an leathanach seo
- The nearest forge to this district is John Barry's forge. There are three forges in the parish of Duagh. All forges are built with stone, the roof is usually of the black colour from the smoke. A horse shoe is nailed on every door. The smith shoes many horses every day. There is one fire in every forge. The smiths used to make pikes, spades, shovels and axes(leanann ar an chéad leathanach eile)
- Bailitheoir
- Willie Clifford
- Inscne
- Fireann
- Seoladh
- An Trian Iarthach, Co. Chiarraí