Scoil: Killashandra (2.)
- Suíomh:
- Cill na Seanrátha, Co. an Chabháin
- Múinteoir: Laura Patton

Tagairt chartlainne
Bailiúchán na Scol, Imleabhar 0985, Leathanach 82
Íomhá agus sonraí © Cnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann, UCD.
Féach sonraí cóipchirt.
ÍoslódáilSonraí oscailte
Ar fáil faoin gceadúnas Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- XML Scoil: Killashandra (2.)
- XML Leathanach 82
- XML “A Fairy Story”
Nóta: Ní fada go mbeidh Comhéadan Feidhmchláir XML dú dímholta agus API úrnua cuimsitheach JSON ar fáil. Coimeád súil ar an suíomh seo le haghaidh breis eolais.
Ar an leathanach seo
- 82
A fairy story
There is a field in Finlay's land in the townland of Coundry, and in the parish of Derrylane, which is called "Call-heam." It is said that fairies used to be there about 60 years ago. One night as Mr Biggers, of Bohora, was going past this field the fairies stopped him. They asked him to buy an ounce of tobacco else they would lead him astray. He bought the tobacco for sixpence. When he had it bought it turned out to be a piece of black stick. This stick used to be kept in his daughter's house.
Madge Venton,
Material from, Achison Finlay,
Derrylane.- Bailitheoir
- Madge Venton
- Inscne
- Baineann
- Seoladh
- Creenagh Glebe, Co. an Chabháin
- Faisnéiseoir
- Acheson Finlay
- Inscne
- Fireann
- Seoladh
- Condry, Co. an Chabháin