School: Yellow Furze

An Aitinn Bhuí, Co. na Mí
Síle, Bean Uí Leamhain
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0684, Page 233

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0684, Page 233

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Yellow Furze
  2. XML Page 233
  3. XML “The Priest's Cave”

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On this page

  1. In Rollenstown a half mile from Beauparc Station there is a cave in a field.
    It is fairly large and there are 3 apartments in it.
    One would have to crawl on ones hands and knees for about 7 or 8 yards and then one could stand up.
    It would hold about 20 or 30 people.
    In that place the priests used to say Mass in Penal days.
    There is very bad air in it and one would have to bring fresh water in and a light also.
    This cave is to be seen yet and it is beyond in a feild which belongs to Mr. Austin.
    In that time it was called "The Priest's Cave",
    People say that priests were buried in it in olden times.
    There is also a mind in Mr. Austin's
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    Veronica Quinn
    Miss Donnelly