Scoil: Dúndroma (uimhir rolla 13818)
- Suíomh:
- Dún Droma, Co. Thiobraid Árann
- Múinteoir: Mrs Ester Jackson

Tagairt chartlainne
Bailiúchán na Scol, Imleabhar 0582, Leathanach 131
Íomhá agus sonraí © Cnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann, UCD.
Féach sonraí cóipchirt.
ÍoslódáilSonraí oscailte
Ar fáil faoin gceadúnas Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Nóta: Ní fada go mbeidh Comhéadan Feidhmchláir XML dú dímholta agus API úrnua cuimsitheach JSON ar fáil. Coimeád súil ar an suíomh seo le haghaidh breis eolais.
Ar an leathanach seo
- Once upon a time two men were arguing about which of thier farms was the best.
One man said if there was a bulacain (a weed with a yellow flower.) growing in his field, and it about three inches high it would be an ash tree that time next morning.
The other man replied, 'If you put a darning needle in my field, it would be a crow bar that time next morning, - There was a man one time and other fellows had something in for him. So they planned what they would do with him. They brought him into a house, and left him there for a time, While they were out he saw an iron on a shelf and he put it into his pocket.
They fetched in a big barrel and put him into it. Then they put on(leanann ar an chéad leathanach eile)- Bailitheoir
- Susie Johnston
- Inscne
- Baineann
- Seoladh
- An Tuairín, Co. Thiobraid Árann
- Faisnéiseoir
- Mrs Johnston
- Inscne
- Baineann
- Aois
- 50
- Gairm bheatha
- Farmer (Léirítear teidil na ngairmeacha i mBailiúchán na Scol sa bhunteanga inar cláraíodh iad)
- Seoladh
- An Tuairín, Co. Thiobraid Árann