School: Clooncullaun (roll number 13163)

Cluain Coilleáin, Co. Ros Comáin
Liam Mac Leastair
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0250, Page 248

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0250, Page 248

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Clooncullaun
  2. XML Page 248
  3. XML “Oisín Meets St Patrick at Elphin”

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On this page

  1. In his travels through Connaught Patrick made Ailfionn a resting Station and on one occasion when on missionary work he is said to have met Oissian the last of the Fena, as he, Oissian, was drawing stones on his back to the town. They were mutually interested in each other and Patrick after some preliminary questioning about the Fena told Oissian the object of his visit to Ailfionn and asked him if he would like to be converted and baptised. Oissian, though very friendly and polite to St Patrick said that he would prefer to live and die in the same faith as his dead comrades, The Fena, and that he would join them wherever they were after death.
    Patrick then pointed out to him that probably many of them were then in hell tormented by devils. Oissian rejoined that when a number of the Fena got together that they would fight their way out of hell and overcome the devils, as it would be impossible to subdue them.
    Oissian grew wrathful as he thought
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. gníomhairí (~1)
      1. neacha neamhshaolta agus osnádúrtha (~14,864)
        1. Fianna (~595)
          1. Oisín (~27)
        2. naoimh
          1. Pádraig (~489)
    Michael Gaynor
    Ail Finn, Co. Ros Comáin