Scoil: Lisín na hEilte (Cailíní)
- Suíomh:
- Lisín na hEilte, Co. na Gaillimhe
- Múinteoir: Cáit Ní Choisdealbha

Tagairt chartlainne
Bailiúchán na Scol, Imleabhar 0017, Leathanach 085
Íomhá agus sonraí © Cnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann, UCD.
Féach sonraí cóipchirt.
ÍoslódáilSonraí oscailte
Ar fáil faoin gceadúnas Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- XML Scoil: Lisín na hEilte (Cailíní)
- XML Leathanach 085
- XML “The Old Schools”
- XML “Weddings”
- XML “How they Used to Make Baskets”
Nóta: Ní fada go mbeidh Comhéadan Feidhmchláir XML dú dímholta agus API úrnua cuimsitheach JSON ar fáil. Coimeád súil ar an suíomh seo le haghaidh breis eolais.
Ar an leathanach seo
- Long ago the children used to write on slates with slate pencils. The names of the old teachers were Miss Carr, Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Mac Donagh, Mrs. Roche, Miss Brehany, Mrs O'Regan, Miss Grum, Miss Corcoran.
- Bailitheoir
- B. Treacy
- Inscne
- Baineann
- Faisnéiseoir
- Mrs B. Treacy
- Gaol
- Seantuismitheoir
- Inscne
- Baineann
- Aois
- 75
- Seoladh
- Lisín na hEilte, Co. na Gaillimhe
- Long ago the poeple said it was unlucky to get married on the feast of the holy Innocents on the 28th December or in the Month of May or November.
- Long ago they used to make baskets out of rushes. They used to get rushes and cross them over on an other.