Scoil: Crois-Bhóthar
- Suíomh:
- Poll an Chorraigiúin, Co. na Gaillimhe
- Múinteoir: Eibhlín Ní Bhreitheamhan

Tagairt chartlainne
Bailiúchán na Scol, Imleabhar 0039, Leathanach 0306
Íomhá agus sonraí © Cnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann, UCD.
Féach sonraí cóipchirt.
ÍoslódáilSonraí oscailte
Ar fáil faoin gceadúnas Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- XML Scoil: Crois-Bhóthar
- XML Leathanach 0306
- XML “Pisreogaí”
Nóta: Ní fada go mbeidh Comhéadan Feidhmchláir XML dú dímholta agus API úrnua cuimsitheach JSON ar fáil. Coimeád súil ar an suíomh seo le haghaidh breis eolais.
Ar an leathanach seo
- 1. If there be a thorn in the hand or foot that cannot be taken out easily. Rub a black snail on a thorn and as he is decaying the thorn will come out through the wound which has become septic.
2. Put your spoon always through the bottom of an egg- shell when you have eaten an egg, otherwise your enemy could come and take the shell and fill it with dew and hang it on a thorn. As the shell is decaying so would you be fading away.
3. The 7th son or the 7th daughter has a cure for “worms” in children, if when be is born there are 10 worms collected, one then thrown away and the remaining 9 put into the child’s hand. If the worms die away while in the hand, the child will have the cure.(leanann ar an chéad leathanach eile)- Bailitheoir
- Eibhlín Ní Bhreitheamhan
- Inscne
- Baineann
- Gairm bheatha
- Príomhoide (Léirítear teidil na ngairmeacha i mBailiúchán na Scol sa bhunteanga inar cláraíodh iad)