School: Gortaveha (roll number 16488)
- Location:
- Gortaveha, Co. Clare
- Teacher: P. Wiley
Open data
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- XML School: Gortaveha
- XML Page 01_028
- XML “Folklore”
- XML “Prayer for Stopping the Blood”
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On this page
- 28
Long ago the old people used fix their eye on which we youngsters would find no value on ,such as deer horns or querins. There is an old quern at patsy Kellys and it is said that an old man brought it down from an old man's grave in Slieveanore bogs. - Prayer for stopping the blood
As our Lord was born in the stable in Bethlehem
And baptised at the river Jordan by St John
As the waters of the Jordan stand still
So does the blood stand still also.- Collector
- Brigid Keely
- Gender
- Female