School: Cilltighearnáin/Kiltiernan (roll number 11812)
- Location:
- Kiltiernan West, Co. Galway
- Teacher: S. Ó Beirn
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On this page
- Funeral CustomsWhen a person dies, there takes place a wake. Snuff and tobacco used to be given out at wakes, but, this custom was done away with recently. When the person is laid in the coffin, something is placed under the persons head. The person's feet are put into the coffin before the head. If a person is in a motor-car and meets a funeral, he must stop the car and wait until it is passed. If a person is walking and meets one, he must turn and walk seven steps after it. The part of the(continues on next page)
- Collector
- Nuala Ní Bheirn
- Gender
- Female
- Informant
- Mike Shiel
- Gender
- Male
- Age
- 58
- Address
- Ardrahan, Co. Galway