School: Dunmanus, Toormore
- Location:
- Dunmanus East, Co. Cork
- Teacher: Helena Lucey

Archival Reference
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0288, Page 225
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- XML School: Dunmanus, Toormore
- XML Page 225
- XML “Churning”
- XML “Churning”
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- (continued from previous page)made you should give a twist to the handle for fear the butter would not come. The people do not leave out their cows on May Eve for fear some evil-minded neighbours would milk them and take away the luck from them.
- Barrel churns are in general use in this part of the country with the people who make their butter, but they are not many owing to the erection of the local creamery. There are also two other kinds of churns - box churns and end over end churns. A box churn is very useful to a small farmer.
The churns are made of oak with an opening in the side to put in the cream, and to take out the butter. There is a small hole near the big one to leave out the butter-milk, and to leave out the air. The churn is fixed on a stand about three feet high. In winter the churn is scalded immediately before putting in the cream, so as to raise the temperature, but in summer it is well rinsed with cold water so as to lower the temperature.
It is said that if a person should come into a house while the churning is in operation(continues on next page)- Collector
- Hannah Mac Grath
- Gender
- Female
- Address
- Gorttyowen, Co. Cork