School: Dunmanus, Toormore
- Location:
- Dunmanus East, Co. Cork
- Teacher: Helena Lucey
Open data
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- XML School: Dunmanus, Toormore
- XML Page 197
- XML “Local Happenings”
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On this page
- About 35 years ago there was a sad drowning in Dunmanus Bay. Two boats left Muintevara to shoot nets off the lug of Míláin" at this side of Dhurode. One of the boats was called the Coffin. The crews were bad friends. As they were leaving for the fishing ground the father of one of the crew of the doomed boat - the Coffin - ordered his son out of the boat, he taking his place, as he had a premonition - a "foreshowing" as it is called - of disaster. They shot the nets and set sail for home at nightfall. It appears the evening got squally. Each had lug sails - They did not anticupate danger and the sheet-line of the 'Coffin' was bound to the boat so that when the squall came the boat overturned. The first boat noticed the disaster but went on and never went to the rescure. Six were lost. A mother whose two sons were lost went out of her mind. The boat drifted back adn righted itself at the fishing ground where she was found with two bodies aboard. All those in the first boat left for America soon after. The suppositions was that they were haunted.
- Informant
- Thomas Driscoll
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Dunmanus, Co. Cork