School: Dunmanus, Toormore

Dunmanus East, Co. Cork
Helena Lucey
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0288, Page 173

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0288, Page 173

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

See copyright details.


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  1. XML School: Dunmanus, Toormore
  2. XML Page 173
  3. XML “Drowning in Dunmanus Bay”

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On this page

  1. You mariners and fishermen,
    Come listen to my song,
    And if you will attention pay
    It won't delay you long
    How six poor men did lose their lives
    It grieves me for to say
    Nigh to the shores of Kilcrohane
    That lies in Dunmanus Bay
    On the 20th of September
    All in that present year
    That was the night of a terrible gale
    Through the country far and near
    Just as the sun had gone to rest
    They went their nets to cast
    They little thought upon that night
    That it would be their last
    Those six young men
    Were in their prime
    And healthy for to view
    Two of them were McCarthy's
    Tim Spillane and Donovan's two
    And also Charles Coughlan
    As the public papers tell
    But I hope for all eternity
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. genre
      1. poetry
        1. folk poetry (~9,504)
    2. events
      1. hardship (~1,565)
        1. drowning (~292)
    John Mc Grath
    Dunmanus East, Co. Cork