School: Shanakill, Roscrea
- Location:
- Shanakill, Co. Tipperary
- Teacher: Seán Ó Ceallaigh
Open data
Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- XML School: Shanakill, Roscrea
- XML Page 154
- XML “Homemade Toys”
- XML “Homemade Toys”
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On this page
Homemade Toys (continued)
“I am able to make a gun for squarting water with an alder and it is empty inside and you would get a sally rod and put a rag on the top of it...”
(continued from previous page)twine in through the hole and turn the tin and it would buzz.Homemade Toys
“Boys used to make aeroplanes out of timber...”
Boys used to make aeroplanes out of timber. They used to cut out the timber and join it with nails and put small wheels under it, and it would run a bit around the floor when they would push it.
Boys used to make cars. They got a box and nailed sticks on it. Then cut two round pieces of board and bore holes in the middle of them and put them under the box. And if they drew it, it would go. They used draw each other in them.
Boys made tops out of timber They used to get timber and make it round and drive a nail through the top down the middle so that it would come out in the other end and it would spin for them.
Boys used to make teetotums. They used to get a reel and make it square with a knife and write certain letters on it with a pencil. And put a match down through the(continues on next page)- Collector
- Nicholas Fanning
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Gortnagowna, Co. Tipperary
- Informant
- Mr Fanning
- Relation
- Parent
- Gender
- Male
- Address
- Gortnagowna, Co. Tipperary